Released 27 April 2021 |
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 27th April 2021
We have made comprehensive improvements to Alterian CX to allow our users to use it in a more natural and productive manner.
Almost all screens have been updated to our new style. Our navigation now supports multiple browser sessions at once. You can right click to open a new browser session with complimentary screens in front of you improving ease of use and speed of creation.
New design. Right clicking on the rules now provides access to an appropriate menu. Right clicking on the options in the menu allow these to be opened in new browser sessions.
Template Dialogue now supports Rich Text Descriptions. These are read only and are set when the Template is loaded into Alterian CX. The Alterian Public templates will be updated to reference how and when they should be used and a link to appropriate help will be included.
Allow users to adjust Priority
The Priority of a Rule allows the user to control which Rule result is provided most and to whom. This control is very important for controlling the focus of the CX initiatives.
This priority can be calculated, set as a static value, or set as a parameter. Where the Priority is set as a static value the user is not currently able to change the value.
We have added functionality that will take a static priority value and it will automatically create a parameter for it on Template upload.
The value will be the same as the static value originally provided.
This ensures in most cases the user can select the priority for a rule in Rule groups and adjust the result to meet the business goals that makes most sense at any given time.
New design. Right clicking on the rules now provides access to an appropriate menu. Right clicking on the opions in the menu allow these to be opened in new browser sessions. With this new functionality in place we have removed the previous way to access the menu to provide more space for the columns.
We have also moved the invoke URL and and status change functionality into the right click menu. This functionality is useful but it does not require visibility at all times for the user and the right click menu allows it to be a single click away.
New design.
New design. Right clicking on the rules now provides access to an appropriate menu. Right clicking on the opions in the menu allow these to be opened in new browser sessions.
The Rule Group selection screen has been adapted to allow the same right click menu as the Rules screen. This allows a number of actions to Rules in Rule Groups without having to move from the Rule Groups screen.
The Rule Group selection screen now has parameter and data grid access. This allows you to see all the Parameters and Data Grids that are used by any of the Rules in the Rule Group.
We have added a search box so parameters can be compared and contrasted and changes made with clarity on how the change will impact the rules. This is a string search so searching for “priority” will bring up at any parameters with priority in the name.
New design.
Right clicking on the rules now provides access to an appropriate menu.
Previously business goals could be applied to a Global Parameter. This is no longer suported so the Business Goal column has been removed. Business Goals are now set only in the Opportunities screen.
New design.
The Opportunity Matrix has been renamed Opportunities.
New design.
Right clicking on the rules now provides access to an appropriate menu.
The Idealized Journey access screen has been updated. A quick access bar at the top provides the last five Idealized Journeys modified.
All further Idealized Jounreys are below alphanumerically sorted with a search.
Journey Visualisations can now be saved to be recalled as required, and the new Homepage is now a list of available saved configurations. These saved items can be private or public and also allow the ability to save a Prediction Sankey. It should be noted that this process saves the configuration of the Journey Visualisation and not the data, so a saved “Last 7 Days” flow will always be the Last 7 days and not the data at point of save.
This release sees a new intuitive UI released for the Journey Visualisation. To give more space for the Journey Flow, we have moved the Visitor Statistics to their own tab along with the Distribution and Relationship displays. The Client/Table/Key selection is now in a single selectable list and filter options are now displayed rather than being hidden by a single Filter option along with more intuitive options for width and depth.
Once a model has been trained and saved, it ca then be sued to predict next steps. The new UI now has a single click option to prepare the Journey Flow for prediction and perform the prediction process.
This feature has been enhanced to allow the analyst to decide if the second or third Journeys are placed before or after the existing, and can now be new, duplicate or drawn from the library of saved Journey Visualisations.
When wanting to view Journey Flow’s with a high width value or when using the side-by-side feature, a new scroll bar has been introduced to avoid reducing Location seizes too small, giving better readability on this high level Journey Flow views.
As Alterian CX tracks Visitors through their journey or serves content, this deducts “Conversations£” from a License. a new series of Reports have been created to allow the monitoring of the annual quota for early view of potential overages. These repots give a view of weekly and monthly usage along with an annual burn up chart showing current use in relation to allocation.
The Realtime input step previously allowed for the creation of DDE_Client, DDE_Target & DDE_Rule fields which are populated with the correct values when the rule is invoked.
As these fields are useful for all Rules these values are now automatically mapped if they are added as parameters with no changes to the RIS required.
Rules that already had DDE_Client, DDE_Target & DDE_Rule fields configured will work as before.
DEV-399 | New Templates where an Icon was added went up two versions. This has been changed so the addition of the icon does not increment the version. |
Dev-4537 | Adding new switch cases where the number of switch cases had expanded to the bottom of the screen was moving focus to the top of the list each time a new case was added. This required the user to scroll down to add more. |
Dev-4536 | The Info reports API support currently provides a textbox to type "csv" to select the export format. This has been changed to provided a prepopulated selection box. |
Dev-4535 | In the Opportunity Matrix all rules were showing for all clients when a specific client was selected. Now the Rules are filtered correctly by the client. |
DEV-3607 | New Known field in Journey analytics always zero |
DEV-4283 | Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report. |
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.