GET CXID - Bulk Optimised

GET CXID - Bulk Optimised

To provide the best decisions through influencer rules and to provide the most interesting and detailed journeys in Journey Analytics we have provided various ways to use information related to an individual.

For example the customer attribute table can take fifteen banded elements of data and this can be used in switch cases in your rules to change influencer rules decisions. We can also add this same information into each event created so you can better filter your journeys in Journey analytics.

This data is about an individual but not created by an individual, so we do not want to change any standard information we hold on them. For example the last seen date for an individual should not change just because you have loaded thier ”Persona” information overnight.

The GET CXID - Bulk optimised public template has been designed to allow our customers to efficiently bulk load data into Alterian CX but it does not change any customer attributes.

The GET CXID - Bulk optimised public template should be used whenever you are loading in data related to an individual but not driven by the user themselves.

This Template should be pulled into any Rule where you are bulk loading data that is related to an individual.

The Get CXID - bulk optimised template takes a single element of identifying information, saves this value, compares the value to those recorded before and either provides back a new CXID (Customer Experience ID) to identify this person or presents back the optimal CXID that was previously assigned to this person.

Alternatively if you are linking rules togather and need to use a GET CXID tile you can simply map in an existing CXID value.

This Public Template does not create conversations.

Placing the GET CXID - Bulk Optimised Template

For each Rule we would recommend the Get CXID Tile is added directly after your Input Tile. This allows the identification information to be passed directly into the Get CXID Tile and for the information provided by it to be available for the full flow of the Rule.

The Get CXID requires the following information to work correctly.

Fields Required by Get CXID

Commonly mapped Fields

What is required

 Mandatory or Not?



What Channel is using this Rule in this specific call




Where the Rule is being called from. For website tracking rules it’s often the urlPath taken from the page URL that should be used.




Where within the Location the rule is being used. Top Banner, Hero banner, Footer banner all on the home page using the same rule. Rule Position identifies which one was using the Rule in this specific call.

Not Mandatory

Is Control

Is Control

Identifies whether the individual is in the Control Group for this Rule. Created by Alterian CX




Allows you to simply map a known CXID to load data if this is know or you are linking Rules togather.

Not Mandatory

Unless you are using the AlterianCX_cxid field you will also need to provide the Identification fields as defined here.

Using a known AlterianCX_cxid field to identify a user

Some customers have contracts that require a GET CXID to be added to all rules. Where we have rules linking togather this may have meant looking up a CXID based on the identifiers multiple times in multiple rules.

Instead the GET CXID bulk optimised public template allows you to simply map in the CXID field (which will have flowed in from the previous rule.)

We will check that this CXID exists and the if it does we accept it. If not we pass the row to an error path.

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