Choosing a set number of Rule Group Responses
Rule Groups by default always can return the number of results requested by a calling system.
Alterian are working on future functionality that will allow Alterian CX users to more accurately generate history on the rules that have run, and the results generated. We'll also measure whether the results used helped to meet the business goals of our customers.
When called, Rule Groups currently provide back all the Rules in priority order. In some cases you may only want the top 1, 2 or more. When calling the Rule Group you can select the number of Rules to get back by adding a query string to the call. The Query string is top=N where the N is the number of highest priority Rules you requirepossible results generated in a prioritized list. If the calling system is only able to effectively consume one result, we are providing back multiple results that will not be used. This makes attributing history difficult. It's hard for CX to know what was used by each system.
In preparation for this new functionality Rule Groups have a new attribute that allows the calling system to request back a specific number of results This attribute is added to the Delivery group URL string for example
?top=1 will return the top prioritized result
?top=5 will return the top 5 prioritized results
?top=20 will return the top 20 prioritized results
no attribute will return all results
If the new attribute is not used the Delivery Group will continue to return all results providing full backwards compatibility.
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