This template allows the user to block or allow IP addresses depending on the ClientIP header field generated by a Realtime input step.
obtain live weather information to improve decisions made and to personalised interactions. Simply pass location data in and weather information will come out as multiple fields.
Input Data
Field | Description | Example |
ClientIPCity | Location value. | Bristol |
countryCode | Location value | |
unitsOFMeasurement | This field is generated by the realtime input step. Remember to set this up in test data. | |
Info |
Remember to set up the realtime input step to capture and process the ClientIP header field |
Add Allowed IP Addresses to the Datagrid
the format of the weather information you get out. You can use standard, metric or imperial. This is set as a parameter in the Template. See configuration below. |
Field | Description | Example |
defaultUnitsOfMeasurement | defaultUnitsOfMeasurement | metric |
weatherApiKey | API Key for . This provides a free service for lower number of calls. Users will need to create an account and get a API key to allow this Public Template to work. |
This tile template will evaluate the incoming ClientIP field against a data grid of allowed IP addresses, if there is a match the record is allowed to continue if there is no match then the record is blockeduse a location value and provide back five fields that between them accurately descrivbe the current weather conditions.
Output Data
Field | Description | Example |
ClientIP | The incoming IP Address | |
checked | Flag for checked IP Address with either show the IP address or denied | or denied|
weather.feels_like | What the current temperature “feels like” | 19 |
weather.humidity | The current humidity | 30 |
weather.temp | The current actual temperature | 21 |
weather.description | A short description of the current weather conditions based on location. | Clear skies sunny |
weather.windspeed | The windspeed at the location | 15 |