Use this template to track email opens and clicks using Alterian CX. The Input identifies whether the request is an “Open” where it provides back the tracking beacon or a “Link” being tracked where it allows the user to control the redirect being used. The key difference between this and the Realtime Input template is that in this Template the data is passed via the URL querystring instead of in the body of an HTTP POST. This allows it to be embedded into links contained in an email, social media post or web page without any requirement for JavaScript.
Input data
Field | Description | Example |
ClientIP | IP address of the individual opening or clicking on the email | |
recipient | Recipient email address, this is normally easily provided by using the personalisation options your ESP provides. | |
redirect | Where the link should redirect to and defines whether we track as a open or click - Should be URL encoded. | |
campaign | Campaign name | Newsletter Jan 2021 |
link | Name of the link which maps to position in the tracking | forrestor_wave_leader |
channel | channel utilising this Rule. This will default to Email if this is not provided in the input data or changed in the parameter |