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Released 17th June 27th July 2022

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 17th June 27th July 2022



When our customers have questions about our products or feature requests for the future, we want to make the process of contacting us very easy.

We have added three new contact links to the Home Page and to the ribbon bar on each page.

You can click through directly to:

  • Raise Support Request

  • Open Help Site

  • Request New Feature

We have also added a feature that will allow you to download

  • Current User - What you are signed in as

  • Brand in use - What brand are you using.

  • Alterian CX version

Rule Designer

“Validating” indicator

When a Rule is changed, copied or saved the process including validation can take time. We now provide a way to see whether the process has completed or is ongoing.

Rule Designer Testing - Invalid data

The quality of the decisions made by Rules are determined by the data that is passed into and used by them. We currently have “Rule Health” functionality that lets our users know where a Rule may be failing. Failures include Rules timing out and errors in the running of the Rule.

We are now providing another way to identify issues with your Rules. In this use case it’s not due to the Rule failing, it’s based on the quality of the data being passed into the Rule. Is the data of the correct quality and the correct format? We are calling this “Data Health”.

We have added a column to the Testing screen to highlight if the test data fed into the rule has failed validation allowing our users to resolve the issue.

Run tests in order

You can now run your tests in order with a seconds delay between tests. This is useful if you want to see the logs generated in a specific order for review or where the results of one test feed into another.

Copy Log Information

You can now click on a button in a single log to copy to clipboard.

Change to default Rule Name on Save as

There are a number of cases particularly with Public Rules where in order for Rules to link togather effectively the name of the Rule is important. We want to encourage users to use the default name and simply save it into their own client with the original name.

We now provide this. When you click on Save as we will persist the existing name and simply check to see if this name already exists in the destination. If not you can simply save. If it does we will provide a warning.


Operational Reporting

Operational reporting now has a column for invalid data.

Rule Validity Indicator

We now provide a column that tells the user whether the Rules are in fact Valid or not. Rules that are not Valid cannot be started and cannot be copied as part of a Rule Group.


You can now run a report to indicate tables and columns that are not referenced by any rules and have not been used for two months. This will help with maintaining a tidy solution

/ General

We have reduced the times where new tabs are created by Alterian CX. In general tabs are now only automatically created when you click to create a “New” item.

Rule Designer

Open in New Window

We now allow a Rule to be opened directly into a new window to allow easy comparison.

Simply right click on the Rule and select “Open in New window” from the “Open” options.

Understand clearly the fields flowing through each Tile

When you are building your Rules it is useful to understand the fields you have available at any given point. Now by selecting and right clicking on the Tiles in your Rule you can “Show Output Fields” to see the fields flowing out of each Output Connector.

Switch Case Values can now be edited

Switch case values added by a user to a Switch case can now be edited. Cases set in the underlying template are still locked from editing.

Public Rules in Rule Designer

Public Rules our “working examples” we provide to our customers and will never be run within the Public client in which they sit. We have made a series of changes changes to Rule Designer to limit changes to Public Rules. For example they cannot now be started or copied or deleted.


Data Health

The current Rule Health visulisations in the Rules screen provide the user with an indication on whether a Rule is performing correctly.

We have now added a Data Health visulisation that shows where Invalid Data is flowing through your Rules allowing you to assess your tagging and integrations and fix your data issues.

Three Data Health visulisations can show

  • Green Icon “Good”- Less than 0.5 % Rule issues over the reporting period

  • Amber Icon “Concern”- 0.5% - 2% Rule issues over the reporting period

  • Red Icon “Warning” - Greater than 2% Rule issues over the reporting period

Alongside the visulisations a Data Health conumn is now available showing the full numbe of invalid data rows going through a rule over the last full hour.

Rules can now be saved with a Help link. the help link will show in the Rules screen allowing users quick access to help on what Rules do and how they should be used.

Filter Reset

We now have a filter reset button in the rules screen. Clicking on this will reset any filters currently applied.

This filter reset is also available in the logs screen.


Filter Reset

We now have a filter reset button in the rules screen. Clicking on this will reset any filters currently applied.

Cache Report

The Cache report now shows the default Exiry Time (TTL) set for the Table being examined. The Exiry time will show how long data is held before being automatically rolled of.

The Table Expiry Time is the deafult set for the Table. It’s possible that data fields in the table may have different Expiry times if they these are set within the Cache steps.

Rule API Testing

Rule group Testing - Specifiy number tof results and dedupe

When testing Rule groups you now have two new options.

Top allows you to specifiy how many results from the Rule Group you want to return back. This is useful when you only want the top one for a banner or a selection of the top three for three elements of content on an email.

By default a Rule Group will not provide back all of the possible results if the values in the decisions are identical. If you would like to see all of the values as part of your testing process use Dedupe to allow all the values to be passed back.


Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.


Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly


Cache delete was not successfull errors inaccurate. The logs may include messages like Cache step delete was not successful: but this is an incorrect log message and should be ignored.

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.