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  • Journey Playbook name: Your Journey Playbook name, what the Journey symbolises – this can be changed at any time.

  • Classification:

  • Description

This The automatic slide in can be controlled in the panel via the cog iconturned on or off through the Auto-Open Page function in on the setting section in the ribbon bar.

This panel can be opened at any time by clicking on the information icon in the ribbon bar.


  • Add Milestone: Adds a new milestone to the far-right hand side of the Journey Playbook canvas. Milestones can be inserted at other locations using the add button within the existing milsteones on journey playbook canvas

  • Delete: Allows the Journey Playbook to be deleted. the user can choose to delete all the steps or have them transfered to a different Milestone.

  • Saving: The Journey Playbook screen will automatically save as you work. Where multiple changes take place in succession it will wait for a suitable pause and then save at that point. The saving icon shows when it is saving and confirms a successful save.

  • Redo / Undo:  Changes Your changes to the Journey Playbook can be undone or redone.


Milestones represent the broad stages your customer customers will go through that mark a significant stage of progress as part of the their Journey. Examples includes Awareness, Research, Purchase, Follow-up, Support, Meeting or Test Drive.
