The IThe Idealised Journey screen allows you to see and edit your idealised Idealised Journey
Idealised Journey Configuration items
The Idealised Journey is a collection of Milestones and Steps linked to a Journey name.:
Idealised Journey Name: Your choice of Idealised Journey name – this can be changed at any time.
Add Milestone: Adds a new Milestone to the far-right hand side of the Idealised Journey canvas. Milestones can be inserted at other locations using the Add button on within the Idealised Journey Canvas
Delete: Allows deletion of the Idealised Journey after confirmation
Saving: The Idealised Journey screen will save as you workmake changes. Where multiple changes take place in succession it will wait until for a suitable pause occurs and it will then save at that point. The saving icon w shows when it is saving and confirms a successful save.
Redo / Undo: Changes to the idealised Idealised Journey can be undone or redone.
Where the number of Milestones increases beyond the breadth of the screen you a scroll bar appears allowing allows you to scroll to the right to see later Milestones.
If you choose to move the steps and delete, ia a popup dialogue will show the current Milestones. Select a Milestone for the steps. Once selected it will transfer the steps and delete the original Milestone.
The combination of Customer Actions and the Internal Actions make up the Journey.
Not each every customer or prospect will go through each Step. Some will and therefore you need to plan how this step is met by the Internal actions and whether the Customer Action could be positively influenced by the Internal actions.
Name: This highlights the Customer or Internal Action this Step represents and will show in the Step identify itself within the Milestone.
Description: More detail on what action this Step is highlighting. It may talk about the feelings of the person at this Step in the journey or highlight which email is being sent out. Anything really that adds useful depth to the purpose of the Step.
Icon: Used to visually indicate the action occurring within this step.
Satisfaction: Where on the satisfaction scale this Step sits.
Satisfaction levels
If the step does not yet exist but you think it should be added, select “Proposed” indicating a Step you think should be included.
For Customer Action Steps this indicates the how well you as a brand are facilitating that action. For Internal Actions actions it indicates how well you perceive you are meeting the CX requirement.
Certain steps naturally sit together. Use Linked Steps to nest these together within a single Step. Click on any Step and the “Add Step” dialogue will pop-up allowing you to create a Linked Step.
These Linked Steps sit nested within the a single step, but they are editable in the same manner as a standard non linked Step.
The Journey flows from the left to the right. You may want to visually align steps following the same path or channel.
Placeholders can be used to pad out the columns moving Tiles Steps up and or down allowing them to be aligned.