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As you create your Templates and Rules you will add Parameters that need a further element of control or where you want to provide other users with a helping hand to ensure the values added to the parameter are accurate and appropriate.
Global Parameters provide this functionality.
Global Parameters work by exactly matching the name of the Global Parameter to the name of the Parameter or Data Grid column within your Templates.
When the names a match occurs any configurations applied to the Global Parameter are applied to the Parameter itself. This can save you a lot of time as changing the Global Parameter will cascade down through all other parameters with the same name.
Let's break the functionality down:


The Global Parameter can be created in one of four Data Types. These are String, Number, Date or Picklist.
Selecting a data type will assign this data type to the Global Parameter and then cascade down through to any matched Parameter. This allows us to provide validation on the values entered in the parameter field or offer wizards for Dates or Picklists to provide accurate and simplified value entry.

Picklists: Picklist values are configured in the Global Parameter. This restricted list is then made available to the user in the matched parameter. This can be useful to ensure an appropriate value is always provided by a user.

Provide Confidentiality


Setting a Global Parameter as Confidential will star out the Parameter value where it shows in all other screens. The Only the Global Parameter screen still shows the original value. Access to Global Parameters can be restricted with permissions as required.

Confidentiality is useful if passwords, keys or other values need to be added but still need to be adjustable. Alongside Confidentially you can choose to not make a parameter visible in the other screens. This may be appropriate where you want to set a default but have no expectations that this value will need to change in the Rules.

Restrictions on editing


If a Global Parameter does not have Editable set, users in other screens will see that a value exists but not allow this value to be changedthey will not be able to change it. This can be used in conjunction with Confidential so users can see the value is populated but not what it contains.


Be aware that Global Parameters by their very nature may affect multiple Rules and deleting one could have an impact on Rules in any Target.

Add a new Global Parameter by clicking on the blue plus icon at the top right-hand side. Be very careful when adding new Global Parameters especially when they are set to force the defaults. As soon as the Global Parameter is created it will change each matching Parameter in each Target to take the Global Parameter defaults provided.
