This delay of an action is possible in Alterian CX by using the create future event Public Template in combination with or the the create and process future event Public Template.
The create future event Public Template on its own simply creates a trigger for an action to occur at a specified time in the future. The process future event Public Template is needed to read this trigger and provides the mechanism to add actions to it.
In many use cases you only want to pick out the “latest” event created even if you created lots of them.
For example when creating an abandoned basket email you may trigger a Create Future event each time an item is added to the basket. However you only send the single email 30 mins after the last item is added and the basket is not purchased.
To make this process easier simply pull in the is latest future event public template. This will simply tell you whether this event is the latest one allowing you to choose the next action.
Input Data
create and process future event is a Rule Start tile
Field | Description | Example |
Field Mapping
Field | Description | Example |
tablename | The name of the table to stoer the future event records in | FutureEvent |
timeOffset | What timeperiod should pass before this specific event is triggered. this is set in seconds. | 60, 120 |
Output Fields
No fields are created by this Template. All fields are passed through.
Field | Description | Example |