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Released 5th September 17th October 2022

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 5th September 17th October 2022

Home / General

Data Grids and Parameters - improved working with long strings

Parameters and Data Grids often have to hold long values with lots of characters. In the past it was difficult to edit or review these values because the boxes for them were limited in size restricting the user from seeing much of the end of the value. We’ve changed the way you see these values in various screens. Now when you click to edit the Parameter or Data Grid value a value preview box will appear. You can add your value into this box which will show much more of the value.

Rule Designer

Changes to Tile selection

Previously you opened a Tile to view the configuration via a single mouse click. We asked customers to CTRL click to “Select” the tile.

This was not the natural way customers wanted to select item on the canvas.

We have changed the Tile open and selection functions. You now double click to open the tile to see the configuration and single click to “select”.

CTRL click is still required if more than one Tile needs to be selected.

Switch Cases can now be added between existing Tiles

Previously Switch cases could only be added to the end of a tile. You can now add Switch cases anywhere along the Rule. Simply select the intersection control between the tiles of interest and select “Add between”. As well as adding a template between you can now “Add Switch Case Between”.

When a switch case is created previous mappings from the previous fields will be lost.

Output Fields now showing alphabetically

The Output Fields for each tile will now show in Rule Designer in alphabetical order

Rule Testing

Automatically create Default tests based on fields flowing into a rule

Previously when you created a new test we provided a blank box where you could add your Test Data in the required format. This required you to understand the fields in the Rule and the best format to use.

We’ve improved this process. We will now automatically examine the fields that are added to the Rule and provide these in a standard JSON format. You can then simply add the values to the JSON value pairs.

We work out the Fields that have been added to the Rule by examining the JSON decoders in the Rule. This does mean that currently we will not pickup fields provided in the headers. These will need to be added manually.

Clone Tests

You may have a series of tests with only small changes required to certain values. You can now right click on a Test, choose clone and have that specific test cloned with all of its values. You can then make the small changes required to the fields and description.

Improved Response view

The Test “Response” is the result of for Influencer Rules and is often the reason for the testing. The question is “Are we getting the correct response out with the specific field values added to the Rule”.

This was tricky to review in the past. We have now added a JSON viewer that will format the response nicely and highlight any links. If a link to a speciifc image or banner is shown CTRL right click will open this ina new tab so you can easily check the image is correct.

Test descriptions

Now each individual test can have a description. This could be used to simply state who created the test or it could be used to understand the required outcome of the test, the exact response expected or simply pass or fail.

Descriptions can be added to any test that you create.

Template designers can now also add descriptions to each test row added to the Realtime input step. Simply add to the description column for the test row and they will automatically show in the Test screen.

Journey Playbooks

Jounrey Playbooks have been comprehensively redesigned to make it easier to understand the purpose of the journey and the steps that sit within it. The home screen now shows you recently used Journey Playbooks and provides a grid view that makes it easier to identify playbooks that need work.

The main Journey Playbook page has been updated to allow the journey and step details to be more easily displayed when working on the journey.

State, has been removed from satisfaction and is now its own separate item.


Create Future event now allows user to discard unwanted events

The Create Future Event plugin allows a “event” to be created to be processed some time in the future. This allows the creation of abandon basket and abandon browse CX campaigns where the action needs to take place after the trigger was created.

The creation of events can be complicated. In an abandon basket campaign, for example, a customer may change the items in the basket many times over a session, adding new items and removing others.

The abandon basket trigger should only run once on the last event created. In the past this meant lots of other events might be present and could get in the way.

A new “Discard all unprocessed events for this key” option is now available in the Create Future Event plugin. The Create Future Event step should be placed in the Rule after an action has been triggered by a Future Event. With this new option you can remove any other events that have been created for the chosen key.

JSON Decoder Step now allow Field rename within it

The JSON Decoder Step can now rename fields within the step.


DataGrids can now be downloaded as in CSV format.

Integrators often update and change the Data Grids in Alterian CX. We now provide an easy to view CSV format via API.

Journey Analytics



Replacing a Tile in Rule Designer confused the UI into thinking it was a new tile of the same name and therefore it was incremented with a #. this does no now occur.

Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report

Creative Builder within Alterian CX

Use creative builder to setup your emails creatives and their elements if you have an email manager account configured.

Creative builder has the same navigation and functionality as campaign builder in the standalone email manager solution with some additional features.

Creative builder is already available to our Campaigns customers. To allow our Alterian CX customers a more integrated and centralised creative process we are now providing creative builder to our CX users. This will allow them to create, review and edit the creatives they hold within email manager without having to access a separate solution.

Details on how creative builder work can be found here.

Naming of Tabs

When you have multiple tabs, it was previously difficult to see the identifying wording on them. This necessitated opening tabs it to find out what it was!
We will now remove the brand where a customer only has one and we place the brand name after the functional identifier of the tab where more than one brand is present.
This allows the more useful wording to sit at the beginning of the tab name making it easier to identify what each is.


The global search available in each screen will now show global parameters when the search term matches. When you click through to the global parmeter it will open full screen allowing you to review and adjust if required.

Global Parameters

The global parameters page has been redesigned to allow our users to more easily find and then adjust global parameters.

We now have a searchable, filterable and sortable main list screen and an adjustable side panel that provides a clear view on the attributes of the global parameter.

We now provides helpers when using the environment values allowing larger strings or dates to be added more accurately and easily.

The standard parameter formatting and the ability to force a global parameter are maintained.


Alterian Email Manager

The Alterian email manager plugin allows email sends to be triggered by rules running within Alterian CX.

Our existing method relied upon our customers being able to access the standalone Alterian email client.

Customers needed to login to the standalone client, create a deployment then create and link the deployment to a “drop folder” (Email Manager created location where triggering files could be dropped).

This “drop folder” and its configuration was then used in the mapping of the fields in Alterian rules and to provide the sending functionality.

This method provides good reporting within email manager and still has uses where lists containing greater than one individuals are due to be sent. Details on where this option should be used are defined here.

We wanted to simplify the process. Many of the use cases our customers want to work on involve transactional emails.

We have added a new method to the Alterian Email Manager step that allows you to select an email manager creative and then select from its templates. You can then pull in the required fields for the templates allowing you to map these to fields in the flow of your rule. As this is all configured in the step and the rule, the requirement to access the email manager client has gone.

This has been designed to work best in transactional email situations. Details about this new function and where it could be used, can be found here.

Journey Analytics

There are no new Journey Analytics features in this release.


Known Issues




The Global Parameters screen previously showed you the list of parameters from the client linked to your brand. In some configurations when multiple brands are setup with multiple clients it’s possible that some clients show in the client dropdown that are not accessible in the Global Parameters screen for this client.


Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly


Cache delete was not successfull errors inaccurate. The logs may include messages like Cache step delete was not successful: but this is an incorrect log message and should be ignored.


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.