New Persona values flowing into the event data going into Journey analytics Analytics will automatically appear here. They will have a default icon, no description and the default name provided in the event. This process provides a quick start to understand Persona usage. It reduces the chance that a Persona has been introduced but not configured.
Personas can be manually added. Clicking on the plus icon allows a new Persona to be added.
Icon - Visual representation of the persona
Persona name - The name of the persona configured in the system - Don't forget this may have been automatically created as Persona values flow into the system
Activity Counter - A count of the number of events created by this specific persona. this provides a visual idea whether this Persona is actually “live” are people with this persona creating events.
Description - Description of the Persona, the description of the persona, why someone may fall into this persona and when this persona may be used.
Last Modified - When the Persona was last modified
Editing and reviewing a Persona
Clicking on the persona Persona row will open the Persona and allow you to see it in more depth.
Here you can adjust the Icon or description.
Persona Activity Counter
the activity counter in the Personas screen will indicate how many events have been created for a specific persona. Personas with low or no activity are likely to be inactive and may necessitate adjustments to the data you are loading.
Enable and Disabling of Personas
While working with personas, you may find that some no longer align with your customer experience (CX) or marketing requirements. You can now disable personas which provides three functions:
Journey Playbooks - Removes the Persona from any Playbooks it is used in and will remove the Persona from the Personas selection helper and filters in Journey Playbooks
Switch Cases - Switch cases setup to use a Persona that has been set to disabled will not be changed to ensure existing switch cases continue to work.
However the persona focused helper in the switch case will no longer provide the disabled Personas as an option.
Personas screen - The default status filter of enabled will remove disabled personas from your view. This filter can be set to “all” to see enabled and disabled personas.
Persona Usage
Clicking on the Persona usage tab shows the Playbooks that have at least one step that is linked to your chosen Persona.
Details on how to link Personas in Journey Playbooks can be found here.
Deleting a Persona
Clicking on the Red Delete icon will delete your Persona. This action should only be used for Personas that you have created, not for those automatically generated by the event data load. The reason for this is that if a persona with the same name is deleted and an event with that persona name flows back through, it will be recreated and this may become confusing.