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The Journey Playbook screen allows you to see and edit your Journey Playbooks.


Journey Playbook Example






When you first enter a Journey Playbook is a collection of Milestones and Steps linked to a Journey namea panel slides in that highlights:

  • Journey Playbook Namename: Your Journey Playbook name, what the Journey symbolises – this can be changed at any time.

  • Classification

  • Description

The automatic slide in can be turned on or off through the Auto-Open Page function in on the setting section in the ribbon bar.

This panel can be opened at any time by clicking on the information icon in the ribbon bar.

Journey Playbook Ribbon Bar

A Journey Playbook is a collection of milestones and steps linked to a journey name:

  • Add Milestone: Adds a new Milestone milestone to the far-right hand side of the Journey Playbook canvas. Milestones can be inserted at other locations using the Add add button within the Journey Playbook Canvasexisting milsteones on journey playbook canvas

  • Delete: Allows the Journey Playbook to be deleted. the user can choose to delete all the steps or have them transfered to a different Milestone.

  • Saving: The Journey Playbook screen will automatically save as you work. Where multiple changes take place in succession it will wait for a suitable pause and then save at that point. The saving icon shows when it is saving and confirms a successful save.

  • Redo / Undo:  Changes Your changes to the Journey Playbook can be undone or redone.

  • Classification: Allows you to group Journeys togather when they have similar traits. For example all LTV CX campaigns could be grouped with LTV or in the example below grouped under Renewal.


Milestones represent the broad stages your customer customers will go through that mark a significant stage of progress as part of the their Journey. Examples includes Awareness, Research, Purchase, Follow-up, Support, Meeting or Test Drive.

It is expected that the Milestones milestones are created in order with the first milestones on the far left and the final milestones placed on the right. The Journey journey therefore flows from the left to the right.

It is likely, but not mandated that your customers will go through each Milestone milestone before moving unto the next Milestonemilestone. For example, your customers need to be aware of who you are before they can purchase from you.


The initial view for a new Journey Playbook has a single untitled milestone containing a single placeholder step.

New Milestones milestones can be added to the far-right hand side of the Journey Playbook by clicking on the “Add milestone” icon on the ribbon bar.

Milestones can also be inserted at other locations in the Journey journey using the Add add button on the milestone.

Each Milestone milestone has a name at the top that can be changed at any time.

Where the number of Milestones milestones increases beyond the breadth width of the screen a scroll bar allows you to scroll to the right to see later Milestonesmilestones.

Milestones are moveable. If it’s not in the correct location you can drag it to the right place. Click and hold the multi-dot tab at the top of the Milestone milestone and drag to the new location in the journey.

Deleting Milestones

Clicking on the Delete delete button at the top of the Milestone milestone pops up a dialogue asking if you would like to delete the Milestone milestone and transfer the steps within it or to delete the Milestone milestone including the steps.

If you choose to move the steps and delete, a popup dialogue will show the current Milestonesmilestones. Select a Milestone milestone for the steps. Once selected it will transfer the steps and delete the original Milestonemilestone.

If the Milestone milestone contains no steps it will delete immediately.

Adding Steps and Placeholders

A Step step (Journey Stepjourney step) is an action or activity a customer may do in the journey, or an action of activity you are doing (or plan to do) to influence the journey.


It’s important to note that the Journey journey steps include Customer Actions customer actions where it is not possible to track or influence them using Alterian CX. The Journey Playbook is the only place these steps are highlighted as part of the bigger picture.

The combination of Customer Actions customer actions and the Internal Actions internal actions make up the Journeyjourney.

Not every customer or prospect will go through each Step. Some step, some will, and therefore you need to plan how this step is met by the Internal actions and whether the Customer Action customer action could be positively influenced by the Internal actions.

The Add add icon at the top of the Milestone milestone allows you to add Placeholders placeholders and Steps steps into the Milestonemilestone.

Step Configuration

When you add a Step an Add Step dialogue pops-up.Each Step has the following configurationsstep to a milestone it will automatically appear below any existing steps and placeholders. A step details slide in panel appears.

Each step contains the following items:

  • Name: This highlights the Customer customer or Internal Action internal action this Step step represents and will identify itself within the Milestonemilestone.

  • Description: More detail on what action this Step is highlighting. It may talk about the feelings of the person at this Step in the journey or highlight which email is being sent out. Anything really that adds useful depth to the purpose of the Step.

  • Icon: Used to visually indicate the action occurring within this step.

  • Satisfaction: Where on the satisfaction scale this Step sits.

Satisfaction levels


  • Step Type: Internal (Brand initiated task or action step) or customer

  • State: What state this step is currently in.

    • If the step action does not yet exist but you think it should be added, select “Proposed” indicating a


    • step you think should be included in the journey.


The Steps position in the Journey and its purpose will be clearly shown by the Journey Playbook allowing clear discussions with your Journey stakeholders.

If the Proposed Step is agreed, the Satisfaction level can be changed to “To Be Done”.


    • If the step action has been agreed to be added, select “to do” indicating a step ready to be included in the journey.

    • Once the step is live change the state to live indicating this step is not in production.

    • The state details show on the journey playbook home page providing a clear way to indicate “tasks” that can be picked up by the CX team.

If the Step exists a Satisfaction scale between Poor and Brilliant should be applied.


  • Satisfaction: Where on the satisfaction scale for a user this step sits ranging from terrible to brilliant. For customer action steps this indicates the how well you as a brand are facilitating that action.  For


  • internal actions it indicates how well you perceive you are meeting the CX requirement.

  • Description: More detail on what action this step is highlighting. It may talk about the feelings of the person at this step in the journey or highlight which email is being sent out. Anything really that adds useful depth to the purpose of the step.

  • Icon: Used to visually indicate the action occurring within this step.

    • The colour chosen for the Icon background will also show on the step background. This allows the user to group like steps togather. For example light blue for email campaigns.

Linked Resources

Steps often provide a specific action or require a specific Rule or integration to work. Here you can link resources to the step to highlight what you have created to answer the steps requirements.


You can link Templates, Rules, Dashboards or Journey Analytics. You can link only one type or add a mixture if required.

Linked Steps

Certain steps naturally sit together. Use Linked Steps linked steps to nest these together within a single Stepstep. Click on any Step step and the “Add Step” dialogue will pop-up allowing you to create a Linked Steplinked step.

These Linked Steps linked steps sit nested within a single step, but they are 're editable in the same manner as a standard Stepstep.


The Journey journey flows from the left to the right.  You may want to visually align steps following the same path or channel.

Placeholders can be used to pad out the columns moving Steps steps up or down allowing them to be aligned.

Clicking on Placeholder placeholder allows you to convert it into a Step step add linked Step step or delete it.