Add the key field into the field and check the radio button next to “Key”
Any information linked to this specific key is now shown in the grid below. This can be downloaded using the download button.
We show:
Field - Field name held in the table
Type - Data Type
Value - value held against the field in this table
Write time - When the value was last written, updated
TTL - What is the time to live (TTL) for the value for this field- This means how long the value will exist before it is automatically rolled off. This is set when the value is written or at a table level
Deleting data
As you test your Rules it is likely that you may make errors. In the Cache Information report you can use the Delete record button to remove the information in the table for a given key. Just add the Key then click on delete and confirm the deletion process.You
With the correct permissions you can also remove all the rows from the selected table. With the chosen table selected click on the Delete all records button.
Caution should be used when removing all the rows for a table. Please only use this functionality to remove rows from tables you have created. Deleting the rows from system tables may have serious consequences for your Rules. Due to this risk, the remove rows functionality is only available for users with the CACHE permission. General access to the Cache Information reports is controlled via the CACHE_REPORT_CAN_VIEW permission.