Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Log Type Filter - Select from:

  • Show All - All available logs

  • Write to Log - Logs specifically added to the underlying Rule Templates. Normally added to help triage issues or review the data being processed.

  • System - System logs, more generic errors and around the current state of the Rule


Logs can be viewed in formatted or in a Raw state.Search -

Searching can be performed in two ways:

Keyphrase is a generic serach through the message. We support the following items.

* Asterisks can be used as a wildcard for any number of characters when searching at the end of the search phrase. It is not supported at the beginning of the phrase.


If the phrase was “Golden” this would not be found by this search above but would be foudn found by Gold* which searches multiple characters. The search phrase Gol??? would have returned the phrase.

Sequence Number also provides searching functionality. When a invoke is made to a Rule the seqence number tracks this individual call through all of the stepsin the rule. When you search by sequence number you in effect see only the logs created by this single invoke. this makes triage and investigation into the logs much easier.

The columns shown in the logging can be selected. Date is mandatory.


To get more information on the Rules as they run you can turn on a “trace” option in our testing screen. This will provide back information on each step in the underlying Tiles or information on the Tiles themselves. This information comes back whether Write to Log steps are added or not. Be careful however as a lot of information may come back and this can make finding the right information more difficult.