Each row provides:
Journey Playbooks Playbook name
Classification: Use Classification to separate your Playbooks into functional groups
State Live: Current state of the steps within the playbook - live, to do or Proposedproposed
Satisfaction level: Shows an ordered list of the satisfaction levels attained by the Steps steps in the Journey
Milestones: Number of milestones in the Journey Playbook
Steps: Number of steps in the Journey Playbook
Opening, Editing, Copying and Deleting a Journey Playbooks
Click Double click on the Journey Playbook tile or row of interest and the Playbook will open.
Open: Opens the Journey Playbook screen allowing you to edit it. By default this opens in the same window.
Keyboard shortcuts on Open:
Click Shift and open - Opens the Playbook in a new window
Click Ctrl and open - opens Opens the Playbook in a new windowtab
Copy: Copies the selected Journey Playbook
Delete: Allows deletion of the Journey Playbook after confirmation