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The Journey Playbook screen allows you to see and edit your Journey Playbooks.

Journey Playbook ExampleImage Removed


Playbook Details


  • Name: This highlights the customer or internal action this step represents and will identify itself within the milestone.

  • Step Type: Internal (Brand initiated task or action step) or customer

  • State: What state this step is currently in.

    • If the step action does not yet exist but you think it should be added, select “Proposed” indicating a step you think should be included in the journey.

    • If the step action has been agreed to be added, select “to do” indicating a step ready to be included in the journey.

    • Once the step is live change the state to live indicating this step is not in production.

    • The state details show on the journey playbook home page providing a clear way to indicate “tasks” that can be picked up by the CX team.

  • Satisfaction: Where on the satisfaction scale for a user this step sits ranging from terrible to brilliant. For customer action steps this indicates the how well you as a brand are facilitating that action.  For internal actions it indicates how well you perceive you are meeting the CX requirement.

  • Description: More detail on what action this step is highlighting. It may talk about the feelings of the person at this step in the journey or highlight which email is being sent out. Anything really that adds useful depth to the purpose of the step.

  • Icon: Used to visually indicate the action occurring within this step.


    • The colour chosen for the Icon background will also show on the step background. This allows the user to group like steps togather. For example light blue for email campaigns.

Linked Resources

Steps often provide a specific action or require a specific Rule or integration to work. Here you can link resources to the step to highlight what you have created to answer the steps requirements.


You can link Templates, Rules, Dashboards or Journey Analytics. You can link only one type of or add a mixture if required.

Linked Steps
