Capabilities rolling out in May 2022
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 10th May 2022
Rule Designer
Saving Tests
Rules tests can come from two areas.
The first location is the starting tile for the Rule. This is normally a Realtime Input step. Here the Template designer will have added the test data and fields they expected to flow into Rules using this Template. When testing a Rule the tests from here will be shown at the top of test list and show with a padlock icon to indicate that these cannot be edited in the UI. In essence any Rule that uses this template has the same test values.
The other way to provide test data is to manually add tests. Previously newly added tests were not persisted in the Rule. Test Rows added to the Rule are now saved at a Rule level and these can be edited and deleted as required. Rules copied or saved will retain any Tests that were created for the source Rule.
Persist Test Runs
When you run a test you you recieve useful feedback from the UI. This includes a link to the logs, a indication of response times, the response value and the request submitted. In the previous version running another test even for a separate Test would remove the this information for this Rule.
Now we keep the older values until this test is rerun. This allows you to run a serioes of tests and only rrun the ones that fail which is useful.
Rule Designer
We have had help links on our templates for a while. This link was not present in the Template Details screen in Rules Designer. We ahve added this as it proves useful to understand why a Templates was used and what it can do.
General improvements to the Opportuntities screen including, search by Rule Name, improved horizontal spacing and Right click options for the initiatives.
Public Templates
identify email clickthrough
The identify email cickthrough Public Template has been designed specifically for use with our Email Manager and third party ESP integrations. This Template when used in our standard page tracking Rules looks for an Email recipient arriving on the page through one of our tracked links. It pulls out the identification value we provide in the URL and we use this value to identify who it is.
This allows us to track the user from the Email onto the website and then onto conversions and other interactions. Find out more here
parse campaign tracking tags
The parse campaign tracking tags public template will take query string parameters provided by 3rd party tracking solutions like Google Adwords and it will parse these values out into specific Alterian fields. These fields can then be used to identify where an individual arrived from or to measure the success of Rules in driving conversion.
Public Rules
track-email-manager-email Alterian CX Email Tracking
Many Alterian CX customers also utilise Alterian Email Manager our own ESP. Our Alterian Email Manager customers want to seamlessly and effortlessly track journeys from first interaction with an email through to website and contact centres touchpoints through to conversion and follow-up satisfaction surveys.
CX tracking can now be automatically applied to Email Manager email opens and clickthroughs.
The integration is very user friendly with NO user email tagging required.
The “track-email-manager-email” rule is used as part of the integration in conjunction with our standard tracking rules track-web and track-web-with-conversions. Both of these rules have been updated to enable the improved integration to work.
Steps / Plugins
Log Level
Logs are currently set at a basic level. When triaging an issue within a Rule it’s often useful for Technical resources to get more detailed logs. This can now be set at a Rule level by changing the Rule Metadata to contain a different log level. This is controlled by "logLevel": "ROWLEVEL" as an example.
Journey Analytics
As described above, the Alterian CX processing will now have the ability to attach Customer Attribute data to events generated by interactions from your known Customers.
This requires an initial load process of a defined and agreed Customer Attribute file into the CX Cache prior to utilisation of this feature.
*Please contact Alterian Support to organise the creation of this table and to discuss how to keep the information up to date in the most performant manner.
Columns of interest, such as an Age Range value or Customer Value band information, can then be accessed via a new Attribute Filter dialogue to allow more centric views. For example, you could now have a side by side Journey Visualisation display showing how Journey behaviour or channel interaction, differs between your younger or older Customers, or what behaviours you high value Customers display.
This filtering works at a Event level, and queries the Customer Attribute value captured against each event at the time of interaction. This is important to understand, as when filtering, any rows without, for example, an [Age Band] = “20-30”, will not be returned when this filter is active. It is also important to understand when querying older data, that the [Age Band] or other value, is relevant at the time of the event, not at the time of running the query. The query is not current Customer Attribute value, but value at the time the event.
The UI provides a simple “Is one of” AND “Is not one of selection option with multi-select.
Customer Attribute data to be used in this way must be of a banded nature only, and with a low number of discrete values. So an Age Band column is suitable, but an [Age] column not ideal due to the number of discrete values, or a Customer Value Band but not a single Customer Value for each Customer.
The previously existing Event Type and Initiative filtering have been moved from the Tool Bar to the Attribute Filter UI. Any saved Journey Visualisation will open as prior to upgrade, but the selected values will not be visible in the new Attribute Filter UI so should be re-selected after opening and re-saved.
DEV-6696 | Previously when using the Cache Management functionality if you were looking at a table in a specific target and you switched targets if the table didn’t exist it just changed the table selection automatically to the first table in the list for the other target. Users may not have noticed the change in selection and if deleting may delete something they did not expect. We now do not default and provide a warning. |
DEV-6901 | The Rule Monitoring Public Template when saved as a Rule allows you to build notifications around Rules when they fall below previously configured Health thresholds. The Template is designed to run as a single Tile Rule. However previous settings also meant a GETCXID Public template was required. The GETCXID Public template is not needed so this requirement has been removed. |
DEV-5847 | Previously you could edit a Rule in Rule Designer and then simply close the tab losing all your changes. We now prompt the user for confirmation before closing. |
DEV-2485 | In Spoon it is possible for one Parameter to reference another parameter. This did not previously work in Rules uploaded to Alterian CX. For consistency and to add useful functionality we now support this in Alterian CX. |
Known Issues
DEV-4283 | Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report. |
DEV-5353 | Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly |
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.