From a Customer Experience perspective, we support these two broad uses of Customer Journeys:
Idealized Journeys - Plan out how a customer may undertake a specific Journey allowing you to plan in ways to help them accomplished their goals and hopefully your business goals.
Journey Analytics - See how users interacted with your brand, what steps they actually take along thier Journeys, what they may do next, and what interactions may have had an influence on the decisions made.
What we are not able to understand is whether the interactions they were exposed to or the Journey they were on were beneficial for the user or influential on behaviour.
It may have been the most popular Journey path… but it may have been an appalling experience for those on it.
From a customer experience perspective you need to understand how your customers feel about your brand generally and how they feel about the interactions they have just had.
To help with this we provide a simple way to gather qualitative satisfaction information on the interactions and Journeys they experience.
This can be used in the reporting and can be used to make Rules more targeted.
We also provide ways for those creating the surveys to understand whether they should be asking for feedack or not.
We provide three Public templates to service these needs
Public Templates | What it does | Templates it Requires | |
write satisfaction score | Takes a satisfaction score (e.g. 1 to 5 stars) and convert it into a 0-100 value, stashing this into the cache for this CXID | ||
read satisfaction score | Read the satisfaction score (a 0-100 value) and the date that it was last changed for this CXID | write satisfaction score A score must have been written for the CXID | |
can show satisfaction survey | Switch based on how recently we asked for the named satisfaction survey | write satisfaction score A score must have been written for the CXID |