The behaviour of a Rule is dependent on the variables that are used within it. These variables can be adjusted using Parameters and Data Grids. More details on Parameters and Data Grids can be found here and here.
Restart - Starts your rule if it was Waiting or restarts if it was previously Running.
Pause - Moves a Running Rule into a Paused state
Copy your Rule
Allows you to Copy your Rule from the Target in which it currently sits into another Target.
The Status of the Rule is copied with it. Therefore, copying a Running Rule will result in a Running Rule being created in another Target.
If the Rule already exists within the Target you are copying into it will overwrite the existing Rule with no further user confirmation.
If you have a Rule with a Waiting status and copy in the same Rule with a Running status the Rule will be recreated Running. This should be considered when moving Rules into Production.
When a Rule is copied the "Last Modified Date" in the New or Updated Rule will show the date and time it was copied.
Copy Rule is also available directly in the ribbon bar of Rule Designer.
Save As
You can save a rule directly from the Rules Screen into a different client.
Allows you to Download the underlying KTR file for the Rule for archiving, triage or future development purposes. This functionality is replicated in the Ribbon bar of Rule Designer.
Confidential Global Parameters are redacted from the Downloaded KTR file to maintain security for sensitive values.
These are covered in more details in Logging here.
Operational Reporting provides information on the use of your Rule. Select a Time period , Minutes, Hours or Days to review your Rules reporting statistics against:
Invokes: shows the number of invokes over the time period selected.
Average Response Time: shows in milliseconds how fast the Rule responded during this timeframe.
Timeouts: shows the number of invokes that timed out. This could be due to the Rule being incorrectly built or poor data being passed through.
Refresh will refresh the screen.
Shows the steps in the Rule and the number of times each step was used. The Reset button in this screen will reset the Invokes count in the Rules screen, the Reporting screen and this Statistics screen.
Invoke URL
Shows the permissions on a Rule. A Globe icon indicates it can be called freely, a Token icon highlights a Token will be required to call the rule.
Clicking on the URL allows you to choose one of two options:
Copy to Clipboard: Copies the full invoke URL for the Rule into your clipboard.
Removes the Rule. Any systems using the Rule will no longer get a response so caution should be used to ensure a Rule is not live before deletion.