Parameters in the Tile Configuration Screen

Parameters in the Tile Configuration Screen


We have explored the concept of Parameters here. We likened them to the controls of a machine. Changing the parameters can have an impact on the results created by the Rule.
If the Tile you are looking at contains any parameters a {} Parameters (#) tab will show at the top of the Tile Configuration screen. The # highlights the number of Parameters in the Tile. Clicking on this Tab will open a configuration screen showing you the Parameters present in the Tile.
This screen can also be accessed by clicking on the {} that sits atop any Tile containing Parameters providing a quick way to view these values.
Each parameter view contains four elements:

  • Parameter: name of the parameter

  • Description: Description of the parameter

  • Global : Highlighting whether this specific parameter is local or linked to a Global Parameter. This is signified by a globe to highlight it is linked to a global parameter or a greyed and crossed out globe to represent one that is not linked to a global parameter.More details on Global Parameters can be found here. Remember that Global Parameters can confer data type validation on values entered or restrict the editing of the value. It also allows us to add appropriate Wizards to aid data entry.

    • To simplify the process of creating or editing Global Parameters, you can access them directly from the Parameters screen in Rule Designer. Simple right click on the parameter name and choose how to open it. If a local rule parameter is not linked to a global parameter and you wish to create one, you can initiate the global parameter creation process with just a simple click on the “Create Global Parameter” icon, prefilling the client and name field.

  • Value: Depending on the Global Parameter configurations set for this Parameter you may be able to see and edit the value. Once you change a parameter the change is immediate even if the Rule has not been saved.

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