Business Goal name - The Business Goal order is alphacetical alphabetical so pre-pending the business goal names with numbers allows you to order them
Description - Add a Description if required. What is the specific Goal you are trying to meet, for example a 25% decrease in churn.
Adding and Deleting Initiatives
A new CX solution will have no Initiatives. Inititiatives Initiatives are mapped to a single Business Goal, in essence the Initiatives are how the strategies you intend to use to meet the that Business Goal.
As Initiatives are intrinsically linked to Business Goals they cannot be created before a Business Goal exists.
When you have created your Business Goal select the Blue Orange “Add Initiative” icon
Initiative name - The Initiative order is alphacetical alphabetical so pre-pending the name with numbers allows you to order them
Description - Add a Description if required
- What exactly are you going to do
With a Initiative name selected the Initiative can be saved. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.