Opportunity Matrix Screen

Opportunity Matrix Screen

Understanding your CX coverage using the Opportunity Matrix

Each brand will have various business goals they are trying to achieve. Each one of these should have a CX element. The Opportunity Matrix will show the business goals and nested under them it will show the initiatives have been set up to meet those business goals.

Initiatives are groups of Rules that help customers or the brand to meet business goals by helping to meet a common goal; improving the sales process, better relevance of content, more relevant new product information etc.

The Opportunity Matrix shows your CX initiatives, where you are meeting them, where you are not meeting them all against the interaction points.

This allows the CX analyst to understand whether the rules they have built are covering the breadth of the initiatives and customer requirements available.

Gaps showing in the Opportunity Matrix identify areas where rules can be improved to meet more initiatives and therefore meet more customer requirements through a broader set of interactions.  Providing the right decisions at more interactions points more often.

Rules / Rule Groups

For each Rule the Status of the Rule is shown on the the left hand side of the Rule name.

The Rule Health Score is shown next to the Rule name and gives you an indication on the Health of the Rule in the moment.

Groups are identified by the Rule Group icon.



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