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Your Rules can run independently within Alterian Journey Orchestration without the requirement to send any data back to Journey Analytics or the Business Information reports.

In most cases however you will want the running of the rule, the information contained within the rule and the CX decisions created to be used in your reporting. This could be your Journey Analytics, your success calculations or our integrated CX Reports

Getting the required information into your reporting is easy. A Public Tempalte exists called Event Queue

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Input Data










CXID as created by the use of the GET CXID Public Template




Created by the GET CXID Public Template and used in billing


is known


Taken from the original call into the Rule. Is the information we have on this user enought to positively identify them




business goal


What Business Goal does this Influencer Rule meet. Automatically Populated when a rule is mapped in the Opportunity Matrix.




opportunity group


For Future Use. Not Mandatory


opportunity name


For Future Use. Not Mandatory


event type


What type of event this Rule is. Influencer, Tracking or Conversion. Added in Rule Designer.






What Channel is this Rule running on, Web, Call Centre, POS etc. Passed through in the original call to Alterian Journey Orchestration






What Inititative this Influencer Rule meets. Automatically Populated when a Rule is mapped in the Opportunity Matrix.




initiative step


For Future Use




Taken from the original call into the Rule. What location this rule was called from. This allows the Journey Analytics to understand the Rules a individual has moved through.



rule name


Name of the Rule being called. Automatically Populated.


Sales Personalisation Offers


rule group


Then Rule Group the Rule was in if any when the rule was called. Automatically Populated.


Sales Offers Carousel


control group


Is the Individual (by CXID) exposed to this Rule in the Control Group for the Rule. Allows us to calculate success.




priority score


If the Rule was called as part of a Rule Group what was the priority score of this the winning Rule. Automatically Populated.




event datetime


Date and time when the Rule was called. Automatically Populated.


cx decision


What CX Decision was passed through by the Rule


offer12, 1233, Gold


cx output step


For Future Use. Not Mandatory


cx engagement


Engagement score generated by this Rule. Populated automatically if the Engagement Score or Content Group Public Templates are used





The configuration item is focused on identifying the queue to pass the events into.










location of your reporting queue. We would recommend that this is setup as a Forced Global Parameter so this does not need to be set in each Rule.




This Template passes information linked to the running of Rules into the Alterian backend.

Output Data

Not fields are created by the Event Queue. All Fields pass through for use further down the Rule flowUse one of the three Public Template Event queues below.

Customer Attribute data

As individuals interact with your Rules we gather useful information on the decisions made by the Rule, the location of the rule and details on the individual interacting.

Our Journey tracking graphs use this information to show your users Journeys across various interaction points, these could be viewing various pages on a website, an interaction with a call centre or clicking through an email.

The question our customers come up with most is “Why” was that Journey followed or “Why” was that offer the one that generated a conversion?

The more information we know about a Individual the better we understand why these things occured.

To meet this requirement we provide Customer Attribute data . This allows our customers to uploaded useful information on your customers to Alterian CX and have this information automatically available for Custom Dashboards and for filtering the Journey Analytics screens.

The Public event queue Public Templates that feed data to Engine contain a parameter (AlterianQueue_customerAttributeTable) that can reference a table with the CXID as the key. *

Once configured each time an event is passed to Alterian Journey Analyics any data from the Customer Attribute Table linked to the corresponding Customer Experience ID will also be passed through.

As long as you keep the Customer Attribute Table up to date you will be able to understand much more clearly “who” does what and why.

For example you will be able to filter by customer value decile to see how your bigger spending users interact with your website or use customer type to identify why one offer may have been better than another.

*Contact Alterian Support to organise the creation of this table.