Capabilities rolling out in May 2020earlyJuly 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 30th June 2020
Idealised Journeys
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Journey Orchestration
Updated Functionality
Statistics on the use of Steps within the Rule.
When a Rule is running it is useful to be able to see which Steps within a rule are being called. Those expected to be called but not being called could highlight an issue. We have added a new Statistics function to each Rule. This is accessible through the standard … controls at the far right of the Rule.
Clicking on Statistics will now popup the statistics screen and show you the count of the times it was used.
The Reset Statistics button has moved from the … controls and is now part of the Statistics screen. Clicking on Reset at the bottom of the Statistics screen will reset the statistics in this view but also the Invoke and Timeout count in the main Rules screen.
Improved Rule Logging
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Rule Designer
Switch Case now allows more than one value going to the same Target Step
Previously each case needed to have a separate target step. Now you can configure the switch case to send multiple cases down the same target flow saving time and effort.
Multi-Armed Bandit Plugin
The previous Multi-Armed Bandit plugin requested a table as part of its initital setup. This table was used to save the attempts and success for that specific Multi-Armed bandit indifferenciating between the multiple Multi-Armed bandits that could be running in a single client.
We have improved in this area. The table remains as it was before, however you are now able to select a key for the Multi-Armed Bandit to store the success statistics against. In essence only one table is now required with the different Multi-Armed Bandits differenciated by the different keys added to each Multi-Armed Bandit.
The key can be static or it can be set by a field or a parameter.
Public Templates
The GetCXID Public Template has been been upgraded. It is now more flexible in the fields that it requires. It will also now gather “First seen” and “Last seen” information on those interacting with DDE. This information will be exposed in future releases.
Upgraded with the latest fields
Query CXID Public Template
DEV-773 | The message field now automatically selects the message field which is the standard field to use. |
DEV-2555 | If a Rule Group name is lower case only, when the group is invoked, the API test page is displayed and the Rule Group automatically 'opened' on the correct page, |
Further Changes
Report Issues
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.