CX Capabilities rolling out in July 2020
Capabilities rolling out in July 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 30th June 2020
Idealised Journeys
The beauty of Customer Experience is that we are involved with our customers throughout their relationship with our brand, from initial awareness through to sale and ongoing support. Each interaction can and should include a Customer Experience element.
With so many channels and interactions, successful CX programmes need to go beyond the Customer Experience and marketing teams. We need a way to provide a clear view on what we are trying to achieve and what we need to do to achieve it.
Idealised Journeys provides this planning, collaboration and visualisation functionality in a simple to use interface.
You can simply add Journey Milestones, add the steps along the way and links related steps together. The steps can be decorated with an indication of current success levels and an icon to symbolise visually what the step will “do”.
The CX help pages will provide more information on how Idealised Journeys can help you with your CX programme planning in the future.
Journey Orchestration
Updated Functionality
Statistics on the use of Steps within the Rule.
When a Rule is running it is useful to be able to see which Steps within a rule are being called. Those expected to be called but not being called could highlight an issue. We have added a new Statistics function to each Rule. This is accessible through the standard (…) controls at the far right of the Rule.
Clicking on Statistics will now pop-up the statistics screen and allow you to see the count of the times it was used.
The Reset Statistics button has moved from the (…) controls and is now part of the Statistics screen. Clicking on Reset at the bottom of the Statistics screen will reset the statistics in this view but also the Invoke and Timeout count shown in the main Rules screen.
Improved Rule Logging
DDE logging previously only provided results if you added Log steps to the steps in the Template.
This was limiting and missed many system generated logs we automatically capture. We have changed the logging so that we will now also provide these additional logs.
The Logging Screen retains the ability to turn logs on and off. Depending on your solution this may now not be required and we will automatically provide the logs if they exist for the Rule. Future changes to the Logging Screen will tidy this up and expand the functinality we provide with searching and date filters.
Switch Case now allows more than one value to go to the same Target Step
Previously each case needed to have a separate target step in the Switch Case. Now you can configure the Switch Case to send multiple cases down the same target flow saving time and effort.
Multi-Armed Bandit Plugin
The previous Multi-Armed Bandit plugin requested a table name as part of its initital setup. This table was used to save the attempts and success for that specific Multi-Armed bandit differenciating between the multiple Multi-Armed bandits that could be running in a single client.
We have improved in this area. The table remains as it was before, however you are now able to select a key for the Multi-Armed Bandit to store the success statistics against. In essence only one table is now required with the different Multi-Armed Bandits differenciated by the different keys added to each Multi-Armed Bandit.
The key can be static or it can be set by a field or parameter.
Public Templates
The GET CXID Public Template has been been upgraded. It is now more flexible in the fields that it requires. It will also now gather “First seen” and “Last seen” information on those interacting with DDE. This information will be exposed in future releases.
The GET CXID template provides a simple and automated function to match up customers activity in multiple channels and across multiple browsers. The GET CXID template will accept multiple identifiers, look them up and then link the activity to a Customer Experian Identifier (CXID) merging activity with older CXIDs where appropriate.
The CXID is also used to calculate sessions or “conversations” that are used as part of the the Alterian billing.
It will also now gather “First seen” and “Last seen” information on those interacting with DDE. As we advance the product the GetCXID template will create and store more useful out of box information on the users.
From a testing perspective you will understand the identifier(s) you pass into DDE to identify the user but you may NOT know the CXID that was generated for them.
The READ CXID Public Template allows you to create a Rule that accepts an identifier and then provides back information on the identifier including the CXID it is linked to and its “First seen” and “Last seen” dates.
Simply create a new Rule and then select the READ CXID Template as the only tile in the Rule.
Once the Rule has been started you will be able to query the Rule using the API testing functionality.
{ "AlterianCX_channelagentid1": "", "ControlGroupEnabled": "false", "initiative": "" }
For now the item in Blue, the identifier is the only field required. Please leave the items in Red as they are. These will be used as we broaden the use of this Template in the future.
Weighted Randomised Split
Allows a simple split between outputs A and B. As a user you can control the weighting by adjusting a parameter.
0.5 is the default allowing 50% of the traffic to go through each flow. It accpets decimlas between 0 and 1.
This allows very easy A/B testing.
Further Public Templates
Event Queue - Upgraded with the latest fields
Get Hubspot Customer data - Enables easy integration wiht Hubspot.
Send Plivio SMS - Enables easy integration with Plivio allowing SMS messages to be sent.
Step Placeholder - Dummy step to fill gaps in Rules until the correct Template can be created.
DEV-773 | The Json plugin now automatically selects the message field which is the standard field to use. |
DEV-2555 | If a Rule name is lower case only, when the group is invoked, the API test page is displayed and the Rule automatically 'opened' on the correct page, |
DEV-2604 | Rules created by the Alterian Autoloader are not editable within Rule Designer but nothing previously highlighted this to users. We now grey out Open and have a Tooltip highlighting why this Rule cannot be opened. |
Report Issues
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.