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Capabilities rolling out in March 2022

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 18th March 2022

Rules Screen

Copyto - Defaults to expected selection

When copying Rules between your targets certain movements are more likely. The defaults have been changed to reflect the most commonly chosen paths.

Rule Designer

Delete Multiple Tiles

Selecting multiple tiles allows you to delete them all with a single click on the Delete button.

CTRL-V shortcut for Tile copy

If you have selected multiple Tiles you can now use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-V to paste the Tiles onto the Canvas. The Tiles will be pasted in order at the nearest location where other Tiles do not have to be moved to accomodate the Tiles being pasted.

Highlight when rule validation is occuring

When changes are made to a Rule we will now highlight in the Errors section of the ribbon bar that validation is occuring. You can still make further changes and work on the rule while it’s validating but it’s useful for the user to understand if the changes made at this point have been successfully validated and that no errors exist. The errors icon has also been updated to explicitly state no errors when this occurs.

Field Mapping

The Field Mapping or Fields screen has been changed to allow a third option of No Mapping.

Previously we allowed the user to map fields togather or set a constant. In many scenarios the field is optional and is simply not required for the rule to function. You can now simply choose “No Mapping” to ignore this Rule.

Data Helper for Date Fields

Most dates are handled internally by Alterian CX. In some specific cases a date is required as a Constant. As the ISO format required by Alterian CX is tricky to calculate we provide a helper that allows the selection of a date and time and applies the value in the correct format.

If only a date is required we suggest creating the Rule to require midnight on the selected date and require this to be selected by the user.

Template Selection Screen

The Filters in the Template selection screen are now persisted.

Download Rule provides option to download last saved or current version

When downloading the Rule you can choose to get the last saved version or the one currently showing on the canvas. This is useful if changes to the Rule stop it from saving but you want to triage what has gone wrong.


Customer Attribute Information

As individuals interact with your Rules, we gather useful information on the decisions made by the Rule, the location of the rule and details on the individual interacting.

Our journey tracking graphs use this information to show your users Journeys across various interaction points, these could be viewing various pages on a website, an interaction with a call centre or clicking through an email.

The question our customers come up with most is “Why” was that Journey followed or “Why” was that offer the one that generated a conversion?

The more information we know about a Individual the better we understand why these things occurred.

We are introducing the concept of Customer Attribute data. This allows our customers to upload information on your customers to Alterian CX and have this information automatically available for Custom Dashboards and for filtering the Journey Analytics screens.

The Public templates that feed data to Engine have been upgraded to contain a parameter (AlterianQueue_customerAttributeTable) that references a table* with the CXID as the key.

Once the Customer Attribute table has been configured each time an event is passed to Alterian Journey Analytics any data from the Customer Attribute Table linked to the corresponding Customer Experience ID will also get passed through.

As long as you keep the Customer Attribute Table up to date you will be able to understand much more clearly “who” does what and why.

For example you would be able to filter by customer value decile to see how your bigger spending users interact with your website or use customer type to identify why one offer may have been better than another.

*Please contact Alterian Support to organise the creation of this table and to discuss how to keep the information up to date in the most performant manner.

Public Templates

Is Latest Event Public Template

The create future event Public Template on its own simply creates a trigger for an action to occur at a specified time in the future. The process future event Public Template is needed to read this trigger and provides the mechanism to add actions to it.

In many use cases you only want to pick out the “latest” event created even if you created lots of them.

For example when creating an abandoned basket email you may trigger a Create Future event each time an item is added to the basket. However you only send the single email 30 mins after the last item is added and the basket is not purchased.

To make this process easier you can now simply pull in the is latest future event public template. This will simply provide two outputs, Latest and not latest allowing you to understand whether this event is the latest one allowing you to choose the next action.

Steps / Plugins

Process Future events now provides for Test data

The Process Future Events step works in conjuction with the Create Future event step to allow Rules to be triggered at a chosen time in the Future. Previously Rules starting with a Process Future Event Step were difficult to test because test data could not be add to the step. You now have the option to enter Test Data directly into the Process Future events step making testing much easier.

Journey Playbooks

Journey Analytics

As described above, the Alterian CX processing will now have the ability to attach Customer Attribute data to events generated by interactions from your known Customers.

This requires an initial load process of a defied and agreed Customer Attribute file into the CX Cache system prior to utilisation of this feature.

*Please contact Alterian Support to organise the creation of this table and to discuss how to keep the information up to date in the most performant manner.

Columns of interest, such as an Age Range value or Customer Value band information, can then be accessed via a new Attribute Filter dialogue to allow more centric views. For example, you could now have a side by side Journey Visualisation display showing how Journey behaviour or channel interaction, differs between your younger or older Customers, or what behaviours you high value Customers display.

This filtering works at a Event level, and queries the Customer Attribute value captured against each event at the time of interaction. This is important to understand, as when filtering, any rows without, for example, an [Age Band] = “20-30”, will not be returned when this filter is active. It is also important to understand when querying older data, that the [Age Band] or other value, is relevant at the time of the event, not at the time of running the query. The query is not current Customer Attribute value, but value at the time the event.

The UI provides a simple “Is one of” AND “Is not one of selection option with multi-select.


  • Customer Attribute data to be used in this way must be of a banded nature only, and with a low number of discrete values. So an Age Band column is suitable, but an [Age] column not ideal due to the number of discrete values, or a Customer Value Band but not a single Customer Value for each Customer.

  • The previously existing Event Type and Initiative filtering have been moved from the Tool Bar to the Attribute Filter UI. Any saved Journey Visualisation will open as prior to upgarde, but the selected values will not be visible in the new Attribute Filter UI so should be re-selected after opening and re-saved.



When adding a Parameter in Kettle it is possible to add spaces before and after. Once loaded into Alterian CX these spaces are not shown and this causes confusion as the parameter looks like it should match but the spaces ensure it does not. We now validate for spaces as part of the Template Upload process.

Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.


Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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