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Capabilities rolling out in May 2022

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 10th May 2022

Rule Designer

Saving Tests

Rules tests can come from two areas.

The first location is the starting tile for the Rule. This is normally a Realtime Input step. Here the Template designer will have added the test data and fields they expected to flow into Rules using this Template. When testing a Rule the tests from here will be shown at the top of test list and show with a padlock icon to indicate that these cannot be edited in the UI. In essence any Rule that uses this template has the same test values.

The other way to provide test data is to manually add tests. Previously newly added tests were not persisted in the Rule. Test Rows added to the Rule are now saved at a Rule level and these can be edited and deleted as required. Rules copied or saved will retain any Tests that were created for the source Rule.

Persist Test Runs

When you run a test you you recieve useful feedback from the UI. This includes a link to the logs, a indication of response times, the response value and the request submitted. In the previous version running another test even for a separate Test would remove the this information for this Rule.

Now we keep the older values until this test is rerun. This allows you to run a serioes of tests and only rrun the ones that fail which is useful.

Rule Designer

We have had help links on our templates for a while. This link was not present in the Template Details screen in Rules Designer. We ahve added this as it proves useful to understand why a Templates was used and what it can do.

Data Validation

Rule performance and the quality of decisions made by the Rules are led by the data that is passed into and used by them. We currently have “Rule Health” functionality that lets our users know where a Rule may be failing, this includes Rules timing out and errors in the running of the Rule.

We are now providing another way to identify issues with your Rules. In this case it’s not due to the Rule failing it’s based on the quality of the data being passed into the Rule. Is the data of the correct quality and in the correct format? We are calling this “Data Health”.

We now have Public Templates that will:

  • Validate whether the fields in the Rule flow meet the correct criteria=

  • Allows failing invocations to be exported to a third party (AWS) to identify why they are failing.

  • Provide an indication in the call response when an invocation has failed.

Our actionable Public Templates have been updated to allow the user to choose whether an Invocation failing validation should still trigger an action or is ignored.


General improvements to the Opportuntities screen including, search by Rule Name, improved horizontal spacing and Right click options for the initiatives.

Public Templates


When a parse campaign tracking tag template is used the GETCXID Public template will now act differently to provided more accurate informaton.

We will use the AlterianCX_inboundMedium field as a the channel and AlterianCX_inboundSource as the Channel Source.

Direct is now used as the location if one is not provided.

Identify email clickthrough

The identify email cickthrough Public Template has been designed specifically for use with our Email Manager and third party ESP integrations. This Template when used in our standard page tracking Rules looks for an Email recipient arriving on the page through one of our tracked links. It pulls out the identification value we provide in the URL and we use this value to identify who it is.
This allows us to track the user from the Email onto the website and then onto conversions and other interactions. Find out more here

Parse campaign tracking tags

The parse campaign tracking tags public template will take query string parameters provided by 3rd party tracking solutions like Google Adwords and it will parse these values out into specific Alterian fields. These fields can then be used to identify where an individual arrived from or to measure the success of Rules in driving conversion.

Running Campaign Rules in Alterian CX

Rules are built to meet various CX requirements. Influencer Rules provide an action or decision back from Alterian CX creating an active way to influence an individual’s next action. This could be sending an email, selecting a specific target banner, the correct call centre script, or an abandon basket SMS.

In each case you are influencing customer decisions or educating them, so they move down a journey that is beneficial to them and helps in time to meet your business goals.

To make this process easier we now support the collection and reporting on standard Google UTM tags. These tags can be collected from email campaigns or gathered from referrers or new tags added to outbound Rules developed internally to enable easier reporting.

Steps / Plugins

Log Level

Logs are currently set at a basic level. When triaging an issue within a Rule it’s often useful for Technical resources to get more detailed logs. This can now be set at a Rule level by changing the Rule Metadata to contain a different log level. This is controlled by "logLevel": "ROWLEVEL" as an example.

DDE Plugin

Clients and other selectable items are now shown alphabetically.

Journey Analytics



Log formats created by “Trace” and Write to log steps did no match. The formats now match making them much more easily comparable.


The Alterian Rule Testing API page has been updated to the latest version

Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.


Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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