The increment conversion fields Public Template allows our users to “count” a fields occurrence over two date ranges (Hours and Days) and then have a separate public template to read the values back out. Any field can be counted. The original driver for this was to allow our customers to create rules that could record and then control the number of emails set to customers.
We will store two counts, the Day count is recorded through 48 hours. The Week count covers 60 days.
Input data
Field | Description | Example |
AlterianCX)cxid | This template uses the CXID in the flow of the rule to create a key to record the metric information against. | |
Metric | This is the metric that has been chosen to be counted | |
Time Stamp | Timestamp. This will automap to the timestamp field in a standard rule. |
Field | Description | Example |
metricTableNamePrefix | This is the table in Alterian where the metric counters will be stored. The default is “MetricCounter”. In some cases you may want to count the same field multiple times over the same date range. For example you may want to count emailAddress being used for transactional emails separately to marketing emails. To enable this simply choose a separate but consistent metricTableNamePrefix value For example: transactional emails - transactionalemailcount marketing emails - marketingemailcount | MetricCounter |
Output Data
Field | Description | Example |