Capabilities rolling out in April 2023
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Release Date: TBC
Get CXID requirement in Rules
We previously mandated that all rules and all branches in rules should include a GET CXID public template. This was so we could accurately measure the number of conversation created by each customer for billing purposes.
Most of our customers are now utilising a hybrid billing model including conversations and invokes. For these customers we will be removing the requirement to have a GET CXID Public template in each branch.
Rules Designer
Forbid External Invokes
When you are building your rules you may call out to other rules to gather information to allow the rule to work.
To only allow a rule to be used internally you can now select for the rule to “forbid external Invokes” in the Rule settings. When this is selected the rule can be called from other rules in your Alterian CX client but they cannot be called externally adding a simple layer of security.
Check for Updates
The “Check for Updates” button has been added to the ribbon bar.
Linked Rules
When you are building your Rules there will be scenarios where it’s useful for your rule to call out to another rule to gather information.
We use this functionality in our standard tracking rules to lookup categories from a centralised Category Management Public template.
To make it easier to understand the rules you are calling from a specific tile we now provide links to the linked rules.
Where you only have a single rule called from a tile we provide a globe icon on the tile. Clicking on this will open the linked rule in a different tab. You can then review and adjust as needed.
Where more than one linked rule is present in a tile the one-click globe icon is not shown as we do not know which rule you would want to open. You can however open the Linked Rules icon and see all the rules that are linked.
Global Parameters
Understanding the impact of Global Parameter changes
Global Parameters changes may affect parameters in multiple Rules in any target.
To enable our users to better understand the impact caused by the creation of, or a change to a Global Parameter we now provide the ability to review the Rules that may be impacted before the change is made.
When a Global Parameter is first created you can select to “Show rules that will use this new Parameter” and review the Rules that will be impacted upon creation.
Changes to existing global parameters have a equally significant impact on your rules, especially when the global parameter is forced. You can now see which rules contain a parameter linked to a global parameter by clicking on the ‘Show rules using this Parameter’ button.
Cache Report
Row level TTL and last written
The Cache Report will now show when the field was last updated where this value exists. It will also show the TTL for the field in the table.
Public Templates
Identify Email Manager Clickthrough public template
Following our last release we are no longer reliant on our customers providing ChannelAgentid fields as specific identifiers. The Identify Email Clickthrough public template was focused on reading and manipulating ChannelAgentIds. As this is no longer necessary we have created a simplified Identify Email Manager Clickthrough Public template to be used moving forwards. The previous template will continue to be supported for customers already using ChannelAgentids.
Validate Tracking Data public template
The Validate Tracking Data public template has been removed. Validation of Channelagentids is no longer required and validation of identifiers is now performed within the GET CXID public template
The "read customer attribute" Public Template now has a named output field
When selecting a customer attribute to pull into the flow of the rule your selected attribute field name will now be named the same as the field name. In previous versions the output field name was hardcoded. This change makes it much easier to identify the field the user has selected and added to the Rule flow.
Alterian CXID Processor to perform validation for tracking data
Following our last release we are no longer reliant on our customers providing ChannelAgentid fields as specific identifiers but we still need identifiers to be provided and we need to ensure at least one has been correctly sent through in each call.
The Get CXID public template has been updated to now perform validation on tracking data and ensure the correct data is present. The Get CXID will now populate the validation fields allowing our other validation Public Templates to work.
Journey Analytics
Journey Discovery
The Journey Discovery process uses Machine Learning to analyse the multi-channel sessions (Conversations) performed by Customers or Visitors to a brand and finds Patterns or “Micro Journeys” of consecutive Locations that are occurring in the Conversation data.
Note: Using Journey Discovery requires a number of items or processes to be in place prior to its use. Journey Discovery should not be carried reviewing these, which are covered here.
The functionality then allows for visualisation of these in the Journey Visualisation Sankey, giving the analyst the chance to validate existing Journeys against real Customer Behaviour or discover Journeys that were previously unknown or undocumented, as well as being able to view KPI stats such as Revenue Service Cost and Customer Satisfaction within Journeys and flexibility to give weighting or ranking to each Journey to focus on any Journey.
DEV-9069 | Rules that have been setup with an alias were not showing in our API testing screen. this has been changed allowing aliased rules to be effectively tested. |
DEV-9398 | The quick access bar used to show duplicate items if they have the same name but different case. This has been resolved. |
DEV-9794 | The “Done” button was not enabled for switch cases at the end of rules. This has been resolved. |
DEV-10086 | Rule Type value is used in Opportunities and for general rule filtering. It is set by a parameter owned by the queue step included in a rule. In our previous release, default values contained within the linked Global Parameter incorrectly overwrote the values in the rule. This meant for some rules updated or created over this period the Rule Type parameter value was not correctly set. We will be updating rules on a client by client basis to resolve this issue. However If you find your rule does not seem to have a Rule Type set it is easy to fix. Right click on the queue tiles in rule designer, select replace and choose to replace with the same queue type. This process will restore the Rule Type value. You may need to remap some fields. |
Known Issues
DEV-5353 | Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly |
DEV-8342 | Cache delete was not successful errors inaccurate. The logs may include messages like |
DEV-4283 | Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report. |
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.