Knowing how an interaction started is very useful. It allows you to personalise the experiance making it as relevant as possible. It also allows retrospective investigations into journeys. For instance, how do customers arriving from the monthly newsletter or twitter Twitter journey through your website compared to those arriving directly. Could you improve the interactions to ensure they find what they want at the end of the Journey?
Tile | Customer Created or Public Template | Purpose | More Information | |
1 | Email and Social Input | Public Template | Allows the creation of a Rule that either tracks the email open or tracks the click of a link depending on the data provided | |
2 | Get CXID | Public Template | Identifies the individual | |
3 | Redirect Ouput | Public Template | Simply provides a output back to the calling system that a redirect has occured | |
5 | Update Engagement Score | Public Template | Increments the Engagement score. By default it is incremented by 1 each time this Rule is run by a user. Those clicking on multiple links will quickly increasee engagement. | |
6 | Track Location | Public Template | ||
7 | Write to Log | Public Template | Provides logging to ensure the rule is working correctly. |
The same Rule can be used to track email opens and clicks. The parameters passed through control this.
Tracking opens
At a minimum are required through the Campaign and the Recipient (Email Address). Both of these fields will be available via your ISP as elements of personalisation. This URL is linked to the calling of a 1x1 pixel gif that is provided back when called.
The tracking gif by default is hosted by Alterian CX but this can be changed to reference a gif hosted elsewhere if required by configuring the parameter in the Email and Social Input Public Template.
Info |
Open Tracking | Required | Description | Maps to… |
| Mandatory | Alterian CX Rule URL | |
| Mandatory | Campaign name. With eventtype “Open” or “Click” this automatically maps to AlterianQueue_Location | AlterianQueue_Location |
| Mandatory | Recipient or other identifier like Twitter handle. Often Email Address when tracking emails. This is exported as AlterianCX_channelagentid1 by the Email and Social Input | AlterianCX_channelagentid1 |
Tracking links
This Rule can track any type of link. For simplicity we’ll talk about tracking email links but the same logic can be applied to social media posts or other channels.
Info |
Link&channel=email Tracking | Required | Description | Maps to… |
| Mandatory | Alterian CX Rule URL | |
| Mandatory | Campaign name. With eventtype “Open” or “Click” this automatically maps to AlterianQueue_Location | AlterianQueue_Location |
| Mandatory | Recipient or other identifier like Twitter handle. Often Email Address when tracking emails. This is exported as AlterianCX_channelagentid1 by the Email and Social Input Public Template | AlterianCX_channelagentid1 |
&link=hotelscaribbean | Optional | Identification of the link in the email being clicked upon. This allows you to differenciate between multple links with the same redirect URL | AlterianQueue_Position |
&channel=email | Optional | This will default to email via a parameter called defaultChannel in the Email and Social Input. If you are calling the same rule via multiple channels the channel can be supplied as a parameter in the querystring | |
| Mandatory | This is is the location that the person clicking will be redirected to. The existence of this parameter informs the Rule that this is NOT a request for open tracking. The redirect URL should be URL encoded. |