Write to Log
This template assists with Rule triage and investigation into data. It simply takes all the fields flowing into it and logs them all out so the fields and the values of the fields at this point in the Rule can be explored. The Name of the Write to Log template should be changed to reflect where in the Rule the Write to log template is being used. You may have multiple Write to Log tiles in your rule.
Optionally a value can be added to identify these specific logs by changing a parameter
Input Data
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
log message | You can add a value here that will be logged out with the fields. This can be used to easily identify the location that created the fields. For example you may have a after Event queue Write to log step and a after Get CXID Write to log step. | after event queue |
This tile Template will output all the fields that flow through it into the logs providing greater understanding on what is happening in the Rule
Output Data
Field | Description | Example |
No new Fields created |