Capabilities rolling out in December 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 15th December 2020
Journey Orchestration
Rules Screen
Filter By Status
Understanding what status a Rule is in is very useful. You can now filter the rules by status to view only running Rules, failed Rules or rules not yet started.
Download Rules
You have been able to download the KTR file for Templates (which is editatble in Pentaho Spoon) for a while. As Rules are getting more complicated it is useful to be able to download the whole Rule so it can be easily viewed and run locally in Spoon. To do this just click in the menu and select download.
We would suggest changes to the Rule are still made in Rule Designer where the built in validation and helpers will ensure the changes are sound.
A Download Rules button has also been added to the ribbon bar in Rule Designer
Rule Designer
Various improvements to the Logging screen
The format of the log download has been changed to reflect the same order as the UI
Sequence Number (unique reference for the call into Journey Orchestration) and Step (Underlying plugin causing the log) have been added to the download. For the advance user these ill help with triaging issues.
Field Matching
Field matching is now case insensitive, this allows easier of mapping of fields where the cases differ.
Cache Information Reports
Alterian’s Journey Orchestration solution allows you to make optimised CX and marketing decisions in milliseconds. One of the key elements providing the relevance is the information we hold on each individual.
This may be data loaded into Journey Orchestration specifically to enrich the information held or from Rules running live updating the information in real time.
As you build your Rules it is useful to understand the data that is available, the values currently in place and where this data can be found.
The new Cache Information Reports will provide this information.
The Cache Information Reports have been built to support three specific use cases:
Viewing Sample Cache Fields – You want to see what Information exists, how it is currently populated and where it can be found. You can then build your rules to use this data or enhance it.
Viewing Known values in the Cache – You are testing your Rules and you need to know if your rules are adding the correct information into the Fields in the Cache. You need to view this information against a known key.
What Rules are reading from, writing to, and deleting my fields
Public Templates
Event Queue
The Event Queue requires a CX decision for reporting. This is the actual “thing” that is passed back to the calling solution as the response to the call. In the past this value was automatically set as the actual result of the Realtime Output step running in the winning Rule. Our customers wanted more flexibility over the value. This value could for example be the type of email sent out; or the banner shown, or the call centre script used.
To provide this enhanced level of flexibility we now allow the CX decision to be mapped to any field in the flow. Just select the field in the Event Queue that provides the required values with the correct detail and it will be passed to the queue for reporting purposes.
This field works best where low cardinality values are used so we would encourage this is considered as part of the CX Decision choice. This field is capped at the first 100 characters.
Concatenate Fields
Takes up to five fields and concatenates them together into a single field called Output. This is useful when used in conjunction with the CX decision as various fields can be linked to form a useful CX Decision. The separator can be changed via a parameter. Trailing separators can be removed by setting a parameter flag.
Clone Fields
Takes a chosen field in the flow and creates a clone of this value called copyOfInputField. Note the original field is renamed to inputField as part of this process.
Is Control Switch
Looks up the IsControl flag in the flow indicating an individual is in a control group and then passes the individual down one of two outputs
Not in Control Group
In Control Group
Although those in the Control group should get a standard experience this allows our users to configure basic operational responses to fulfil CX requirements which may be more difficult if they are in the Control Group
Further Public Templates
Example - Send to SendGrid - Example of a Public template that with minimal adaption can be used to send emails through SendGrid.
Send Plivio SMS - Enables easy integration with Plivio allowing SMS messages to be sent.
DEV-3496 | Create Rule from Template was duplicating Switchcases this has been resolved. |
Known Issues
DEV-3607 | New Known field in Journey analytics always zero |
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.