CX Capabilities rolling out in December 2020
Capabilities rolling out in December 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 17th December 2020
Journey Orchestration
Rules Screen
Filter By Status
Understanding what status a Rule is in is very useful. You can now filter the rules by status to view only running Rules, failed Rules or Rules not yet started.
Download Rules
You have been able to download the KTR file for Templates (which is editable in Pentaho Spoon) for a while. As Rules are getting more complicated it is useful to be able to download the whole Rule so it can be easily viewed and run locally in Spoon. To do this just click in the menu and select download.
We would suggest changes to the Rule are still made in Rule Designer where the built in validation and helpers will ensure the changes are sound.
A Download Rules button has also been added to the ribbon bar in Rule Designer
Rule Designer
Various improvements to the Logging screen
The format of the log download has been changed to reflect the same order as the UI.
Sequence Number (unique reference for the call into Journey Orchestration) and Step (Underlying plugin causing the log) have been added to the download. For the advanced user these will help with triaging issues.
Field Matching
Field matching is now case insensitive, this allows easier of mapping of fields where the cases differ.
Cache Information Reports
Alterian’s Journey Orchestration solution allows you to make optimised CX and marketing decisions in milliseconds. One of the key elements providing the relevance is the information we hold on each individual.
This may be data loaded into Journey Orchestration specifically to enrich the information held or from Rules running live updating the information in real time.
As you build your Rules it is useful to understand the data that is available, the values currently in place and where this data can be found.
The new Cache Information Reports will provide this information.
The Cache Information Reports have been built to support three specific use cases:
Viewing Sample Cache Fields – You want to see what Information exists, how it is currently populated and where it can be found. You can then build your rules to use this data or enhance it.
Viewing Known values in the Cache – You are testing your Rules and you need to know if your rules are adding the correct information into the Fields in the Cache. You need to view this information against a known key.
What Rules are reading from, writing to, and deleting my fields
The Cache Information reports are available as a new icon in the standard menu.
Public Templates
Switch on Values
Where you have a numerical value in the flow of the rule this allows you to create a calculation to compare field A to field B or static value B. The result passes the person through either the True or False outputs.
An example would be where I wanted to show specific content if a users engagement score was over 1000 points. I can add a switch on value comparing Field A (current Engagement score) with a static value of 1000. The calculation would be (field A >value B (Static 1000). If the persons engagement score in greater than 1000 they will flow through to the True output. If not the False output.
Content Group Management
Journey Orchestration provides a simple way to provide very targeted “decisions” allowing customer interaction points across a myriad of channels to provide an optimal experience for a user.
In almost all cases it’s information about the individual interacting in real time that allows the most highly optimised decisions.
One of the most common customer use cases is the ability to assess engagement and interest in specific elements of content or use of specific channels. Examples include looking at family holidays on a Travel website or terms and conditions in a renewals based business. Each allows us to apply intent and create offers that address this.
The Content Groups Management Public Templates has been designed to simplify this process.
The suite of Content Group Management Public templates have been designed to offer the following capabilities
Manage your Content Groups in a centralised location - You can adjust your Content Groups in a single location making initial tagging and future adjustments really easy.
Lookup the Content Groups a specific page is in enabling specific offers and understand how many times it has been visited.
Count the Content Groups visited by Hour, Day, Total
Provide the “Top” Content Group over Hour, Day and Total
See which Content Groups a specific individual is interested in.
More information in the Public templates section.
DEV-3496 | Create Rule from Template was duplicating Switchcases this has been resolved. |
DEV-3268 | Journey Orchestration automatically adds Realtime Output steps where required. This was not happening on steps containing Filter Rows with a single output. this has been resolved. |
DEV-3430 | Where a field is used by more than one template all of these were shown in the field mapping. This has been changed to only show the field once. |
DEV-3493 | Previously a Journey Orchestration client could be created called dev, test or prod. These are the system names for the targets provided by Journey Orchestration. This has been changed so these can no longer be created. |
DEV-3808 | The last modified date in Rule Groups was UTC rather than local time. This has been resolved. |
DEV-3840 | Disconnected switch case tiles didn’t appear in the connect to list. They now will. |
DEV-2661 | Previously the user interface did not always allow values to be copied. This has been improved and much of the user interface will now allow values to be copied. |
Known Issues
DEV-3607 | New Known field in Journey analytics always zero |
NOTE: The Template upload screen and Tile view in Journey Orchestration 4.5 has been updated in preparation for a new feature called Service Cost due to be released in early 2021. It is not currently configured so please ignore until its official release.
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.