Capabilities rolling out in May 2024

Capabilities rolling out in May 2024

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform - DDE 4.31 CX 6.36

Release Date: 23/04/2024


  • New activity based navigation

  • Json Helper in Test Runner

  • SDK and API improvements

Navigation Improvements

The Alterian suite of products has expanded over the years, offering functionality across various areas. However, this growth has resulted in longer and potentially confusing navigation for new users.

To address this, we've implemented a new navigation structure focused on activities. Now, functions needed to achieve specific goals are grouped together for easier access.

While this means some functionality may appear duplicated in the navigation, such as "Rules" appearing twice, it ensures that less frequently used functions are now in a separate section. Ultimately, this allows users to better concentrate on accessing what they need to achieve their goals.

Additionally, we've introduced pages that explain functions more clearly. These pages are either named to highlight the action, like "Connect your channels" in "Get Data," or labeled "Get Started," providing simple explanations for tasks you may want to perform.

We're committed to further refining the navigation in upcoming releases. Please share any feedback on the changes we've implemented; your input is invaluable to us.

Homepage Styling

We've refreshed the styling of the homepage. Additionally, we've removed the icons from the top left of the functions, as they didn't effectively convey the purpose of the screens. Instead, we've replaced them with the new icons found in the navigation.

Applications Last Accessed

Previously, the application links on the homepage displayed when they were last accessed by the user. However, this feature didn't offer any real benefit to our users, so we've decided to remove it.


Rules now show a “last user” that shows in the last modified column. This allows our users to understand the rules they or a team member was working on and when.

Rule Designer

Choose Test Content Type

While most interactions with Alterian Journey Orchestration will utilize the JSON format, users may occasionally need to create rules that accept a simple "text" string message.

To accommodate this, we've updated the Test Runner to allow users to specify the content they expect to process, either text or JSON. Additionally, we'll adjust the formatting within the request screen to match the selected choice. For instance, if "text" is chosen, we'll remove the JSON editor functionality.

Improved Logging Persistence

In the Test Runner, when viewing logs, users can now choose to see logs generated by "Write to Log" steps in the rule, system logs (which may be more detailed and complex), or all logs.

Previously, the default selection was "Write to Log" for each new test. However, if a test didn't have any "Write to Log" steps, it would show nothing, requiring users to manually select either "System" or "show all" each time they viewed a new test.

Now, we'll remember the user's preference. So if you choose "system," we'll always display system logs for each test while you're viewing the logs. "Write to Log" will remain the default, as this is what most users will need.

Test Runner Warning for Non-Running Rules

Test Runner will now alert users and disable the run buttons if the rule they're trying to test is not running.

JSON "Helper"

We've introduced a JSON "helper" on various screens, providing:

  • Assistance in creating tests in JSON by highlighting errors.

  • Improved clarity with more clearly formatted JSON, making it easier to understand values and identify potential issues.

  • Search functions, allowing users to search for specific text strings in the JSON, which will be highlighted for easier identification. Users can also select a property in the JSON to focus on. These search functions persist across tests, making it easier to track changes to a property as it flows through the rule.

Decode Field now Supports Integers

When setting fields to be decoded in Rule Designer, we previously included Boolean, Number, and String data types. Now, we've added support for Integer data types.

Switch Case Cleanup

For fields set to a single value and not delimited, we'll remove the priority column to enhance clarity.


Removal of Opacity Controls

In the past, we provided users with the ability to adjust the opacity of selected tile colors. However, this feature posed challenges, particularly with multiple themes, resulting in some tiles blending into the background. To address this issue and streamline setup, we've decided to remove the opacity controls. Any tiles previously adjusted for color opacity will now default to 100% opacity.

Updated Template About Screen

We've revamped the about screen to enhance user-friendliness. Icon buttons have been replaced with text buttons, and we've introduced dividers between sections for improved clarity.

SDKs and APIs

We’ve made some changes to make it easier to design and build integrations with Alterian CX.

Previously the Journey Orchestration and Journey Analytics APIs were presented in an inconsistent manner. We have now made changes that will present a clear, informed and consistent way to work when designing and building against our APIs.

Additionally, we've revamped our SDKs to offer clearer and more comprehensive explanations.

Here's what's new:

SDKs on GitHub: Our SDKs are housed within a dedicated repository at GitHub. We offer SDKs in three languages: Java, C#, and JavaScript.

Rule and Integration Testing: We've introduced links to the Journey Orchestration and Journey Analytics test pages. These user-friendly test areas facilitate quick API testing by automatically generating a token.

Swaggerhub Integration: Accessing our API documentation is now more convenient through our integration with Swaggerhub. Simply navigate to Swaggerhub to explore our APIs.

Confluence Help: Our Confluence Help resources have been updated to reflect the changes made to the APIs and the new hosting location of the SDKs.

Template Builder

Steps that required the user to browse locally for an item had poor usability. We have simplified this process by adding a clearer browse button.


Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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