Persona use in Switch Cases
Adding Persona field to your rules
If you want to use Personas in your Switch Cases you need to ensure the Individuals Personas field is in the flow of the Rule.
This is simple to achieve, use the Read Customer Attibute Public Template and choose the standard “AlterianCX_Persona” field as your chosen attribute. We will look this up against the CXID in the flow of the rule and pass the AlterianCX_Persona value into the the flow as well.
Choosing Persona in a Switch Case
The persona data stored within Alterian CX represents crucial insights for refining your messaging and offers. Our platform simplifies the use of personas through convenient helpers within our switch cases. This empowers you to construct customized flows for each persona you intend to target with tailored messaging and offers.
Switch cases values are either manually added by the user or where the user has chosen to switch on a field from the customer attribute table we provide a simple helper to identify the discrete values that could be used.
For personas we are able to provide further detail to more clearly highlight which Personas should be selected and a description to highlight why. We show the icon, persona name and the description. The user can click to select a persona and the case value (the persona name) is added to the switch case.
Further details on how Switch cases work can be found here.
Don’t forget that a key part of the Switch Case functionality includes prioritisation. This allows you to rank the personas cases in order of importance on a tile by tile basis. This is key where you are using Personas. If someone has two personas which flow do they go down? You can choose in the Rule to prioritise one above the other or if the flow should be the same, choose the same output for both values.
As we only show a small part of the description we provide a “See all” link that opens the persona screen so greater detail can be seen.
Note The persona helper will only display the switch case field that was retrieved from the customer attribute table and generated by the standard AlterianCX_Persona field.
If a Persona is set as invisible we do not remove it from existing Switch Cases but we willl remove it from the helper.
Persona Field uses Delimiter-separated values
In most cases the persona field will be a delimited or array field. This will allow an individual to have more than one Persona which is a fundemental requirement for Personas.
As such when the persona field is selected you will need to also select Process field as “Delimiter-separated values” and select the appropriate delimiter which should be pipe “|”.