Available Dashboards
There are three Dashboards available for analysis within the Dashboards section.
CX Operations Dashboard
This Dashboard gives key information and insight into the Journey Orchestration at the heart of the Alterian CX Platform Operations. It provides stats into frequency and usage of Rules, Rule Groups and Priorities for an overall view of system health.
The CX Operation Dashboard has the following tabs:
Rule Group Dashboard
This Dashboards provides an insight into the operations of the Rule Groups set up within Journey Orchestration. Rule Groups perform a key role in content delivery, so an overall view can be vital to spot trends and activity over time. Filtering by Date/Time, Channel or Rule, adds further power to get closer to system activity.
Rules Dashboard
This Dashboards provides an insight into the operations of the actual Rules set up in Rule Designer. A view of Rule activity, with the power of filtering, allows a CX Analyst to carefully monitor actually of Rules, potentially after a change of strategy.
Priority Dashboard
This Dashboards provides an insight into the operations of the Priority Scores within Rule Groups, and gives insights to adjust the Rule priority, on the fly, in Rule Designer. Here, changes can be carefully monitored for priority trends, and are easily accessible, giving added visibility at the required level.
CX Usage Dashboard
The CX Usage report provides the Analyst with insight into the usage of the system focused on three key indicators that relate to the system usage with regards to how Alterian billing is performed.
There are three tabs on this Dashboard that give access to this information.
Interactions - An interaction is a period of Customer activity where the time gap between any tow consecutive interaction events is no more than 30 minutes.
Bulk Interactions - A counter of interactions where the interaction data have been loaded into the system as part of a bulk process, rather than real-time events generated via the usage of Rules.
Invokes- An invoke in generated as part of a load process of non interaction data such as Customer Attributes. This data does not contain interaction events, so will not generate either of the other counters
All tabs contain a date value slider to allow focus on specific periods.
JA Dashboard
The JA or “Journey Analytics” Dashboard has 5 tabs providing a high level overview of Visitor activity on the CX platform. Each night, new events are added from that day, so the view of counts are from end of day yesterday. Selection of Event Stream and Channel will persist across any Dashboards containing those options.
The tabs are as follows:
The visualisations on this tab look at engagement of content, as well as the Engagement Score of Visitors. This report can be filtered by Event Stream and Channel. Note: The list of available Channels is a sum of channels across all Event Streams and not just that one selected. This may cause no records to be returned where a Channel selected does not exist. A date slider provides more focus.
Initially the two charts show how engaging the content is. The initial Bar Chart and Pie Chart displays, for Location and Category respectively, show those Locations or Categories that have been interreacted with the most. Typically these are Homepage etc, at the top of the chart, but using the focus mode in the top right, allows viewing of the other significantly visited Locations. A Low Traffic filter is applied which groups the low frequency page visits into a single Low Traffic bucket. A high volume of Low traffic events would signify a Brand with a high user volume and a large breadth of content. The setting of this is a backend configuration.
Looking at Engagement Score in the bottom visualisation. This is initially set up using the Engagement Score public template to capture an Engagement Score at the A Date Slider provides more focus and a graph at the bottom shows total engagement score at the visitor level.
The visualisation shows the Average Engagement Score of visitors on the defined date. As Engagement Score can be incremented and decremented within the Rules, this visualisation would show deviations and trends in Engagement Score over time.
Filtering available in the right hand side gives and Event Type filter with the default of Tracking and Conversion, as these are the most appropriate.
Category Location
The visualisations on this tab look at volume of events at the Category level, and the Channel Source, for example a google search, for the first content viewed. This report can be filtered by Event Stream and Channel. Note: The list of available Channels is a sum of channels across all Event Streams and not just that one selected. This may cause no records to be returned where a Channel selected does not exist. A date slider provides more focus.
On the left hand side, this Dashboard has a “drill” visualisation at a Category level. Note this will only display data if Category is being captured and processed as part of Rule creation.
An initial count of Category events is displayed with an expanded tree of the Categories making up that count. Each Category can be highlighted to display the Locations associated with those categories. On the tight hand side is the Source or Channel Source in terms of capturing where the was Visitor prior to their fist engagement with the Brand in this Interaction. Note this will grey out when clicking on Location layer. Again the Date Slider provides more focus to the data required for analysis.
A Low Traffic filter is applied which groups the low frequency page visits into a single Low Traffic bucket. A high volume of Low traffic events would signify a Brand with a high user volume and a large breadth of content. The setting of this is a backend configuration.
There are no other filters available in this report.
Conversion Influence
This tab is unique in this collection as it displays a count of unique Visitors and not single Location events, as per the other Reports. This report can be filtered by Event Stream and Channel. Note: The list of available Channels is a sum of channels across all Event Streams and not just that one selected. This may cause no records to be returned where a Channel selected does not exist. No Date Slider is provided here as this data is cumulatively collected and not aggregated to a specific Date range.
Conversions are configured in Rule Designer using track-conversion - Conversion Tracking Rule
Although counting Customers, this report is looking at sessions, or Interactions, that contain or end in a Conversion, as flagged by the processing in the rule. The filtering on the report defines whether the Customers, and their last interaction, was a conversion or not.
There are a few key terms here, remembering that this is a Visitor based report, so it is necessary to think of the sequence of Locations in a Visitors path through to Conversion, or not Converting.
ContentFirst - The first piece of content that was visited in by the Visitor in the session or Interaction, as part of the Conversion or Not.
ContentLast- The last piece on content that was visited in by the Visitor in the session or Interaction. as part of the Conversion or Not.
Source First - Referred to sometimes as Channel Source, for example a google search, this is where the Visitor came to the Brand from, in the session or Interaction, as part of the Conversion or Not.
Key Influencers - With the Conversion Y or N option, this shows what Locations contributed to that outcome either Conversion = Y or Conversion = N. Data stored related to a Visitors who converted, or not, ion their last Interaction with the brand
Top Segments - When considering a combination of Source, First and Last content served, whihc combinations or “segments” occur in Conversion Interactions or non-Conversion Interactions.
The bottom section of the report shows the specific counts for each of the above that led to conversions or not.
As mentioned above, an import of the previous days is appended and that data is analysed for Conversions. If there is a Conversion Event Type, the Channel Source, Content First visited and Content Last visited are captured on the day of that interaction.
There are no other filters available in this report.
A Dashboard focusing on the Visitors use of Channels when interacting with a Brand. The Channel for every event is captured with the system, and this graph shows that count related to Channels they occurred on. Initial view is for all Events Steams which can be filtered. Again the Date Slider is available for more focused Analytics and would allow questions such as Channel usage over time. A filter of Conversion and Tracking is select and available on the right hand filter column to allow different view of these event types.
There are no other filters available in this report.
Known Identity
This report covers quite a specific use case, especially for eCommerce Brands, looking at monitoring the activity of Unknown Visitors vs Known Visitors on the site over time. The Is Known flag is set at the Rule level, so can be set based on actions of the user, such as supplying an email address. The count represents event volume, counting the number of events by the known vs unknown visitor base.
Very similar to the Engagement report, looking at counts of Location and Category interactions, with added high level counts for quick review reporting on Page Views, Conversations and Identities. Filtering option is available at the Location level.