Location Mapping & Journey Exploration
This feature allows the CX Analyst to explore events relating specifically to a known Journey by assigning those event Locations to a Journey, then filtering the Journey Visualisation view to only include those vents included in the Journey they have specified.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature should not be used unless a comprehensive Data Transform has been built and assigned. Data Transforms is considered an advanced user or admin function, and therefore may not be available to the Analyst. You can see if you have a Data Transform in place by opening Journey Visualisation, selection the event stream in question, and a Data Transforms label should appear in the top right of the screen. More information on Data Transform can be found here https://alteriandocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1781628935
Location Mapping and Journey Exploration is a self-contained analytics tool within Alterian CX that gives the analyst a unique opportunity to define the conceptual steps in a Customer Journey, maybe freeform or based on how known Journeys have already been defined in a separate Journey Mapping tool, and then view those with the overlay of the real customer interactions.
This allows a marketer to create a series of steps they define as a Journey, and overlay that with events and interactions the Customers have actually made, around that framework of Locations.
Location Mapping
This is the first part of the process, where the user will review the Locations that exists in the data and have the opportunity to “map” these Locations to a “Journey”.
The approach can easily be a single Journey by Journey Location Mapping, or a full map of Locations to all Journeys the analyst wishes to explore.
Once in the Location Mapping screen, there are options to create a new Location Map or edit an existing one.
NOTE: Several Locations Mappings can be created, but only one can be “published” to be used in the Journey Visualisations at any one time.
Create New Location Map Process
Access the Location Mapping screen from the Navigation menu
Click Create New icon, and Save with required name
Select the required event stream NOTE: As this process can only be performed after a period of data collection and Data Transform it is expected that this would only be performed on a Prod Event Stream
Select a Date Range - The Date Range selection will be very dependant on knowledge of the data. To make this a manageable process, the analyst should consider what the minimum date range might be to see the required Locations. A Location only need appear once in the data to be mapped to a Journey, so if, for example, a week of data would be enough for the Journey Locations to have occurred, this might be all that is needed. It is better to start with smaller date ranges.
Review/locate Locations that are part of the required Journey, using page by page view or search
Click on the Target label column and enter a Journey name or select existing.
To create a new Journey label, simply add the name and click return
Once a Journey has been created once, it can be set to multiple Locations by multi-selecting Locations and using right click menu.
Once the required Locations have been mapped, this can be Saved.
To use this Mapping as a Journey Visualisation filter it must then be published from the File menu.
NOTE: For this release only one Location Map can be published, and will then be available to all users. A Location Map can be edited and saved after publish but will not be used in the Journey Visualisation until re-published. The homepage will display the published version and current version.
Journey Exploration
Once a Location Map has been published, the Journey Visualisation will have access to this Journey label in the existing Attribute Filters area.
By selecting a Journey, this will perform a filter to reduce the Locations displayed in the Journey Visualisation to only those Locations that have been mapped to the selected Journeys in the Filter area.
Other features within Journey Visualisation will then function normally with the reduced data set based on the filter.
NOTE: This feature performs best when trying to isolate and view Locations for a specific Journey or a small number of known Journeys. If number of currently mapped Locations reaches around 250, there may be performance segregation. It may be a more permanent Data Transform function is a more appropriate feature for this requirement. https://alteriandocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/1781628935