Decoding a Field within Rule Designer

Decoding a Field within Rule Designer

Most rules are designed to be called by another system. In most cases the system passes in a JSON message which is read by a Tile and the values in the message and the fields they belong to are pulled out and passed into new fields in the flow of the rule.


If the “message” being passed by the calling system needs to change to add new fields you can add a decode at any place in the flow of the Rule.

Simply select the Output Connector from a Tile and then select “Create Decode from Field”.

You can then select the field to decode. In many cases “Message” will be the field to choose.

Select Field to Decode

Once the field is selected, add the names of the fields you want to “decode” from the field, choose a data type and if required you can rename the field being created.

The rename option allows the field being read into the Rule to be renamed before it leaves the tile. this helps when the field name coming in does not match the field name required by your templates. It reduces the need for further field mapping later on.

Decoding fields within Rule Designer

In the example above a field called ‘Email' will be read from the field ‘message’ but the field created by the tile will be called 'EmailAddress’.

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