Global Parameters - Providing Defaults in Rule Designer
For Rule Designer users there are times where we have Global Parameters where we have a standard value, but we need these to be editable and allowed to change per rule.
Setting the Global Parameter as Forced would not allow the value to be changed and the value would need to be the same for all rules.
To help with this requirement we allow a user to set a default value in each target. These are applied once when a template that includes a parameter that matches this Global Parameter is pulled into a rule.
The rules for where default values are added:
When a Tile is added to a rule that has a parameter that matches to an existing Global Parameter name
and if the target value for the global is not blank, null or not present
We set the values of the parameter in the tile to match the value in the matching Global Parameter based on the target in which the rule exists.
We apply the Global Parameter meta data as before, so visible, data type etc are applied. We do not support defaults for confidential values.
In any other scenario we use the value provided within the template.
The default values applied will now not change unless a user changes the values (it is editable) or the underlying Global Parameter is changed to Forced and it will then change to the value of the parameter (and will not be editable).
Moving the rule between targets will persist the original values, they will not change.
In essence the parameters ‘default’ values process writes once when the Tile is added only when no existing values exist in the Tile.
*NOTE : This default process prohibits defaulting a Global Parameter to blank unless it is forced or cleared in rule designer or blank in the original template.