Control Global Parameters usage
We provide various tools that allow you to control whether your uses can see global parameters and you can control what they can change.
Provide Confidentiality
Where a Global Parameter is marked as confidential we will store any value provided but we will not allow the value to be viewed or extracted again for security reasons. The value is starred out in all screens.
The value will continue to work but it is not available for review in the user interface.
When a Rule containing a Confidential Global Parameter is downloaded we will redact the Confidential values in the downloaded item (KTR). The user will need to manually add these values back as required for development or testing.
Confidentiality is useful if passwords, keys or other values need to be added in a solution used my multiple people with differing security rights but where it still need to be adjustable.
Alongside Confidentially you can choose whether or not to show the parameters in any screens apart from the Global Parameter screen. Simply you can choose to make it visible or not in rules. This may be appropriate where an admin wants to set a default but have no expectations that this value will need to changed in the Rules themselves.
Restrictions on editing
If a Global Parameter does not have Editable set, users in other screens will see that a value exists and the value but they will not be able to change it. This can be used in conjunction with Confidential so users can see the value is present and populated but not what it contains.
Forced Global Parameter Values
Selecting Forced for a Global Parameter will force the default value for the Global Parameters on to any matching parameter in any Rule. These default values can be set differently for each Target. Using a discount code example, the Free Delivery Code threshold default could be set to $50 in Production but $40 in Development. Copying the Rule from Development into Production will automatically take the default value from the Global Parameter setup within the Target in which it is saved.
Units - Units allows a user to provide the type of unit used in the Global Parameter.
Only show appropritate Global Parameters based on Role
Global Parameters provide value to users in multiple roles.
Some Global Parameters contain confidential values or are vital to the successfull running of your Rules. Due to this we provide an admin function so these Global Parameters can be hidden from users that do not need to use them or should not see them.
If you are an Admin user you have access to an Admin flag in the Global Parameters screen.
If you choose to make a Parameter “Admin” it will no longer show in the Global Parameters screen for users that do not have an admin role.
The other Global Parameters configurations can still be set as before.
So you could choose to make a Global Parameter Admin and hidden. This would mean that a non admin user would not see this parameter in any screen.
If it was Admin and Visible and Editable, non admin users would see the parameters in Rule Designer and the rules screen and they could edit the value.
It’s up to the admin users what Global Parameters show and what controls are put in place.
Global Parameters functional Links
How the Global Parameter configurations work with each other.
Function | Functional Links | Scenario |
Confidential | Always available |
Visible | Always available |
Editable | Only available IF visible is set to YES
| No point in making a Global Parameter available as Editable to users if they are not allowed to see the Global Parameter in the Rules and Rule screen |
Only if Forced is set to NO | No point in making a Global Parameter available as Editable to users If it is forced and overwrites any changes they may make. Forced always applies on top of the values set in the Rule | |
Forced | Always available |
Admin | This flag and Rules marked as Admin are available IF the user has the correct Admin permission. | This flag is only visible by and can only be set by users with the Admin Roles. This enables technical users to hide Global Parameters in the Global Parameters screen that marketing or standard users will never be interested in. In essence it removes from the Global parameters screen for standard users a whole load of operation parameters they do no need to see. |