Understanding the impact of Global Parameters
Global Parameter Name and Operational Information
Each Global Parameter has a description.
You can delete a Global Parameter by right clicking on the row and selecting ‘Delete’.
Be aware that Global Parameters by their very nature may affect parameters in multiple Rules and deleting one could have an impact on rules in any target.
Adding a new Global Parameter
Add a new Global Parameter by clicking on the orange plus icon at the top right-hand of the parameters screen.
First, select the client you want to create the global parameter in. Then select the name of the parameter.
The parameter name is what allows this global parameter to be intrinsically linked to the parameters in all your rules. When the parameter name in your rule matchs the global parameter name the values and configurations from the global parameter will work at a rule level.
The Global Parameter name can be changed.
Because changes to global parameters can have a significant impact on your rules it’s sensible to understand how global parameter creation may affect your rules, especially those running in production.
Once you have added a global parameter name you can review the rules that contain a matching parameter before saving.
We show a orange button, ‘Show rules that will use this new Parameter’.
When clicked you can see all the rules that will be affected by the creation of this global parameter. We show the client and target.
You can click on the rule names to open the rule in a new tab allowing you to review how the rule level parameter is used.
Reviewing Global Parameters
Changes to a global parameter can have a significant impact on your rules, especially when the global parameter is forced. You can see which rules contain a parameter linked to a global parameter by clicking on the ‘Show rules using this Parameter’ button.
When clicked you can see all the rules that are affected by the this global parameter. We show the client and target.
Saving and Save
You can choose to “Save As” on a global parameter allowing you to create one with simply attributes to the parent.