Rule Group Creation and Editing
Creating and editing Rule Groups is simple. To create a new Rule Group, click on the blue “Add” icon and the Rule Group Editing screen will pop up.
To edit an existing Rule Group double click on the row or click on the “Open” button for the Rule Group.
Rule Group Creation
Client: Client the Rule Group is saved in.
Rule Group Name : This will be the name of the Rule Group and will also form the invoke URL for the Rule Group. This cannot be changed once the Rule Group has been created
Description : Description of Rule Group use.
Selected is included in the Target filter to allow you to only see the Rules within the current Rule Group.
When you click on the Rules tab “Show All” should be selected by Default allowing you to pick from any of the Rules available to you.
When you edit a Rule Group the default is to show only the currently selected Rules. In this way a user very clearly sees what Rules are currently live in the Rule Group.
Adding and Removing Rules
Rules can be added by broadening the view to see Rules that are not currently selected and then selecting from the check box to the left of the Rule or left clicking. The Rule will be added to the Rule Group.
Removing Rules is as simple. Simply click on the "Checked" check box or left click anywhere on the Rule row.
Parameters, Data Grids and Searching
Details on Parameter and Data Grid use is covered in more detail Rule Level Parameters and Data Grids. They are included here to allow a user to easily see all the Rules within a Rule Group and then edit the Parameters and Data Grids belonging to just these Rules.
It’s likely changes to a given parameter in a Rule Group may require a equivalent change to the other parameters of the same name. This is easy in Rule Groups. A search box is available at the top right of the Parameters screen. This will filter the grid by any given string you enter.
In a common example shown below I have the Rule Priority set via a Parameter called Priority. I can search for Priority and simply adjust the priority value for each rule that includes it.
Finding the right Rule
The Rules Group editing screen can be sorted by many of the columns. The default sort is Rule Name descending. The Last Modified column is likely to be well used. Clicking on it once will show the Last Modified Rules in Descending order. Those you worked on last will be at the top.
Clicking on the Targets, Dev, Test and Prod will show only the Rules within that Target. A Rule Group can only contain Rules from the same target, so this provides a useful filter.
Finally, if you know the name of the Rule you need, simply type into the Search box and we will filter the Rules to only show those that match your search.
Rule Name and Operational Information
As you use your Rules you will need to understand which Rules are which and how they are performing:
Rule Name: Allows you to identify the Rule. This is also the string used to call the Rule via the invoke URL through the API.
Version: What version of the Rule is currently live.
Rule Groups: The number in the blue circle indicates the number of Rule Groups a Rule sits in. Clicking on the number displays the Rule Groups and allows you to link through to the Rule Group in question.
Target: What Target the Rule is saved in.
Last Modified: When the Rule was last modified. Running the Rule or changes to Parameters or Data Grids do not modify a Rule. Changes to the makeup of the Rule itself will change this value.Selected: Shows that this specific Rule is part of the Rule Group.