Controlling your Rule Group
Functional Controls
Right clicking your Rule Group allows you to access further functional control:
Opens your Rule Group in the Rule Group Editing Screen.
Rule Groups are created in a specific Target. The standard development process would be to start with Rules and Rule Groups in the Development Target promote to Test to test them and then move to Production when your testing has been validated.
You can copy your Rule Group between Targets.
If the Rules in the Rule Group do not exist in the Target you are copying into the copy process will create the Rules automatically
If the Rules in the Rule Group do exist in the Target you are copying into the copy process will update the Rules automatically with the Rule Group verison.
In each scenario the Rules are created or overwritten in the state they were in the original Target. This is important when copying a Rule group into Production. If the Rules in Development are “Running” and are “Paused” in Production. Copying from Development to Production will overwrite it and it will start in a “Running” state.
Global parameters should be considered as you move rules between Targets.
Invoke URL:
Invoke Rule: Opens our API help for this Rule Group where it you can be reviewed and tested.
Copy to Clipboard: Copies the full invoke URL for the Rule Group into your clipboard.
By default you will get all the rules in the Rule Group in a Prioritized list. To request just the top one or two see explanation here
Delete removes the Rule Group. Any systems using the Rule Group will no longer get a response so caution should be used to ensure a Rule Group is not live before deletion.
Rules often need queues to work. If a Rule is moved and a queue for that Target does not exist it will be created but in a failed state