Rule Group Screen

Rule Group Screen

Rule Groups allow you to group multiple Rules that meet a specific CX goal together. Once created you are able to invoke the Rule Group rather than calling the Rules separately. As each Rule can have a specific priority set the Rule Group allows you to make a single call, automatically invoke each Rule in the Rule Group and receive back a prioritised list of the results. This screen shows the Rule Groups you have available, allows you you to create new ones and edit existing ones.

Add Rule Group

Plus icon Top right Opens the Rule Group Creation / Edit screen.

Finding the right Rule Group

The Rule Group screen can be sorted by many of the columns. The default sort is Last Modified.

To narrow the selection further, filter by the Target (Dev, Test or Prod) or the client the Rule Group was saved in.

Finally, if you know the name of the Rule Group you need, simply type into the Search box and we will filter the Rules to only show those that match your search.

Rule Group Name and Operational Information

As you use your Rules you will need to understand which Rules are which and how they are performing.

  • Rule Group Name: Allows you to identify the Rule Group. This is also the string used to call the Rule Group via the invoke URL through the API.

  • Rules: The number in the blue circle indicates the number of Rules within the Rule Group. Clicking on the number displays the Rules and allows you to link through to the Rule in question.

  • Target: The Target the Rule Group is saved in.

  • Last Modified: When the Rule Group was last modified. Running the Rule Group or changes to Parameters or Data Grids do not modify a Rule. Changes to the makeup of the Rule Group itself will change this value.

  • Description - Your description explaining the purpose of the Rule Group.

  • Last Called: Date / Time : When was the Rule Group was last called. Enables you to see Rule Groups that are no longer required.

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