Offer Management
Journey Orchestration provides a simple way to provide very targeted “decisions” allowing customer interaction points across a myriad of channels to provide an the optimal experience to a user.
In many cases the Rule identifies the person exposed to the touchpoint and then works out the most valuable type of response for them at that specific time. The type of response could be meeting a CX initiative, provide information around certain types of content or more focused, encouraging them down the sales process with a tailored offer.
Once the decision has been made on the type of response to provide back many Rules have a mechanism to lookup suitable content to provide back to the calling solution.
Customers like clear and consistent messaging and react positively to it. We need to ensure the interactions with our customers are consistent across all the rules we use.
Our Offer Management Public Templates allow you to create a matrix of Offer values, including defaults and active windows and then enables you to call this from multiple Rules. Each Rule simply needs to provide the type of response, the offer identifier and then the Offer Management Rule will lookup the current best content from the Offer Matrix.
This solution provides multiple benefits:
Each rule simply needs to understand the type of response that should be provided to the user – the Offer Matrix works out the best content to use.
The content to use for a specific Response type is set in a single location – Once changes are made the Rules looking up a value will now provide the updated value. No need to change each individual Rule.
The Offer Matrix provides defaults – If a specific offer is not currently live through choice or time restrictions it will provide a cascading selection of alternatives
The Offer Matrix provides time sensitive offers – You only want to highlight your sale offers over the sale period. Add these with a specific active period and a default to stop the offer at the correct time.
Multiple Offer Management Rules can be created to service smaller content areas or initiatives to keep them concise. Simply save with a specific Rule name and then use this name when calling for offers.