Switch on values
Where you have a numerical value in the flow of the rule this allows you to switch through either True or False outputs based on the result of a comparision between two fields or a single field and a static value. In spoon this is form of filter rows step.
An example would be where I wanted to show specific content if a users engagement score was over 1000 points. I can add a switch on value comparing Field A (current Engagement score) with a Static value of 1000. the calculation would be (field A >value B (Static 1000). If the persons Engagement score in greater than 1000 they will flow through to the True output. If not the False output.
Another example would be where we are offering specific offers for our customers over 65 - age will be a field in the Rule as will the minimum age for this specific offer.
I can add a switch on value comparing Field A (current age) with field B minimum offer age. The calculation would be (field A > Field B (minimum offer age). If the persons age is greater than tyhe minimum age offer they will flow through to the True output. If not the False output.
The Following Operators are available:
Operator (Explained) | Operator (to use in Template |
Field EQUALS Field | = |
Field DOES NOT EQUALS Field | != |
Field GREATER THAN Field | > |
Field LESS THAN Field | < |
Field EQUAL to or GREATER THAN Field | => |
Field EQUAL to or LESS THAN Field | =< |
Input Data
Field | Description | Example |
valueA | Field Value to compare Value B against with chosen operator | Engagment Score (1010) |
valueB | Field Value to compare against value A with chosen operator. If a static value is needed remove required and add the Value B parameter value instead | Minimum Offer Age |
Choice of Operator to compare Field A value against Field B value or a static value shown as a parameter below.
This tile template takes a single person compares based on the chosen fields and parameters and passes the person through either the True or False output depending on the result of the calculation
Output Data
Field | Description | Example |
True | If the Switch on values calculation is false this is the output the person will take | True |
False | If the Switch On values calculation is True this is the output the person will take | False |