Adding Templates
Templates are added by using the Upload Template functionality from the Templates screen. On the Templates screen this is found as a Cloud Upload Icon in the top right-hand corner.
Click on the Plus Icon and the Upload Template screen will appear.
Either browse for the template file or drag the template file onto the drag & drop box at the top of the dialogue. Once the file has been applied the name of the Template will be prepopulated.
If the Tile has had an Icon previously assigned the Icon will show. If no Icon has been assigned Click on the Icon and select one from the Icon library.
If you have more than one client here you can select the client to load the Template into. The Client selection will default to the client you are currently using.
Add a Service Cost. If the running of the template has a cost associated with it you can enter the Service Cost for the template at this point. You are able to choose either a Flat Rate or a CPM rate. The actual cost per use if derived from the CPM rate and applied to each Template.
Finally you can add a help link that will allow your users to click through to find out what the Template is for and how it should be used.
When your selections are completed click on Upload and the Template will be loaded appearing in the Templates screen.