Adding a Template

Adding a Template

When you have decided on a Template you want to add to the Rule in the Template Selection Screen, either double click on the row or click the select button to apply the Template to this position in the Rule. This will close the Template Selection screen and create a Tile in Rule Designer named after the underlying Template.

If you can link to the requested Template through more than on input double clicking on the row is not available and you should click on the select button on the far right and choose the input you intend use from the drop down.

Rule Designer creates a Rule using the Templates selected as the building blocks. When a Template is selected for the Rule and saved, we rebuild the Rule including any new Template logic you have added. As part of this process the Template itself is copied into the Rule.

At this point the version of the Template in the Rule (the Tile) is the same as the current version of the Template.

 From this point on, the Rule version of the Template (the Tile) and the Template itself can diverge. You may update the Template, roll back the Template to an earlier version or simply add new items to it. The Template stored in the Rule does not change unless you choose to upgrade. (See Upgrading a Template).

As the Tile and the Template are now only loosely linked, we can edit the Tile to add further identification details and customise it to work better in its position.

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