Adding Icons to Templates
Icons and colours can be added to Templates to provide a visual indication of purpose and usage.
Clicking on the Template Icon on the far-left hand of the Template row or in the Upload Template screen will open the Icon Library screen. Here you can select a suitable Icon by scrolling through the options or searching for a specific word.
Icons that fall into a specific group, for example "Social Channel", are grouped together with a grouping name added as part of the Icon name allowing the broader group to be shown when the group name is searched for.
Pick a suitable Icon by clicking upon it. You can change the foreground and background colours. These colours can be used to differentiate between Template actions.
NOTE: Alterian add Meta Data into the Extended Description of the Template file. This Information includes the Template Icon and colours. If you intend to make ongoing changes to a Template in Spoon the suggested work pattern is as follows.
Load the initial Template, select the appropriate Icon and colours and then download the file back to your local Spoon system to be edited in the future. This will maintain your choice of Icon and colours in the Template.